As from May, 2008, the CIRA library catalogue is online. It is updated once a month approximately. It includes our collection of books and brochures, periodicals, audio and video recordings. The archives, documentary files and iconography are not included in it.
The search engine includes a simple help page (button « help » on the right of the « search » button). Hereafter are some complements. Don’t hesitate to ask us questions, report problems and submit proposals to enhance and complete this FAQ.
Quick search allows you to query specific entry fields (check boxes under the query field).
For example, if you look for Makhno in « title », « author » and « all fields », you'll get 24 results in titles (24 entries have Makhno in their title), 1 result in authors (Nestor Makhno himself) and 216 results in other fields (216 mention Makhno in at least one field).
By clicking on the « next » link the corresponding entries are displayed, i.e. those in which Makhno appears in the title, those in which he is the main author, etc. Names may have different spellings, a search on Makhno in titles will miss Mahno or Machno. However in the « author » field main spellings are taken into consideration.
Two possibilities.
N.B. Due to many reasons, our list of subjects is only available in french.
Indivuals and collectives, when a document relates to them (biography, essay on an author or his works, history of an organisation, etc.), are considered like « secondary authors » and not as « subjects ». So if you look for Bakunin (Bakounine, with French spelling), you will find all works by Bakunin and about him.
In the former computerized catalogue, the field « publisher » was not automatized. Therefore several publishers have different spellings and are not recognized as one publisher (AK Press, A.K., etc.). We try and correct the records one by one, but there are thousands of publishers... Before the corrections are completed, you can type a part of the name and possibly use truncation (*) : « Freedom » will give you 23 results, but there are less actual publishers. The same goes for the collections.
On the left above, you see a basket. You can add records to a basket that is kept during your whole session, i.e. until you quit your navigator, as a rule. You can also print your basket under various formats and/or send it by mail.