Avenue de Beaumont 24
CH-1012 Lausanne, Suisse
The CIRA is open from Tuesday to Friday From the main train station, take the metro m2 (direction Croisettes), CHUV stop. Consult the plan.
Consultation within the library is free of charge, but a membership (see below) is required to borrow books. Only recent books may be borrowed on site or eventually even be sent by post. Other kind of documents (old books, leaflets, newspapers, academic works, audiovisual material) must be consulted on site, but copies or scans may eventually be provided. To borrow a book, come and visit us or write to us including your postal address. If you need precise information, let us know the subject of your research and the languages you can read. As the library is run by volunteers, the promptness of our answer could vary.
It is possible to support the CIRA's activities by paying a yearly membership, the cost is 40 Swiss francs or 40 Euros (support membership: 100 francs, 100 Euros or more). That enables you to borrow our books and receive our annual bulletin. It is also possible to make donations. The CIRA receives no institutional subsidies, but having the public utility status, the donations and bequeaths can be deducted from taxes in Switzerland. Please do not send us chequess from abroad, as they cannot be cashed in Switzerland.
Postfinance account: 12-17750-1
IBAN CH28 0900 0000 1201 7750 1
PostFinance Ltd, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Berne, Switzerland