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Kibboutz Mehravia
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/ Kibboutz Mehravia [Israel] : [s.n.] (1995)
The History of the kibbutz : a selection of sources, 1905-1929 [texte imprimé] /
Avraham YASSOUR (1922-2008) . -
Kibboutz Mehravia [Israel] : [s.n.] , 1995 . - 230 p. ; 30 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Introduction : Chapters in the history of the Kvutza and Kibbutz / Avraham Yassour
1. Early Idealists
Socialist and Jew / Chaim Brenner
Letters and Program / Joseph Trumpeldor
Letters, diary and essays / Zvi Schatz
Cooperative settlement and Ahva / Nachman Syrkin
2. Some experiments
The Mehravia worker cooperative / Joseph Rabinowitz
Discussion in the General Assembly at Kibbutz Degania
From Degania : A letter to a friend and an essay / Joseph Bussel
The Betanya Commune, selection from diaries / N. Bistritski (Agnon), ed.
The beginnings of Kibbutz Herut / J. Oppenheim and H. Gardneur
3. Thinkers
Thoughts and letters / A. D. Gordon
The essays on Hashomer Hazair / Meir Yaari and Moshe Yaari (Wald)
The large Kvutza / Shlomo Lavi
4. Constitutions and programs
Draft for kibbutz constitution / A committee of Kvutza representatives
Stature of the Labor Brigade (Gedud Haavodah), 1925
The program of the National Kibbutz Movement of the Young Guard ( Hakibbutz Haartzi Hashomer Hazair), 1927
5. Problems
The Kvutza, a report from 1920 / Nachman Syrkin, ed., and Zalman Rubashov (Shazar)
A Meeting of representatives of Kibbutz groupes, 1923
Conflicts over childcare: kibbutz Ein Harrod
Appendix: Stastistical data
Mention de responsabilité :
ed. by Avraham Yassour
Permalink :
Titre :
The History of the kibbutz : a selection of sources, 1905-1929
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Avraham YASSOUR (1922-2008)
Editeur :
Kibboutz Mehravia [Israel] : [s.n.]
Année de publication :
Importance :
230 p.
Format :
30 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Introduction : Chapters in the history of the Kvutza and Kibbutz / Avraham Yassour
1. Early Idealists
Socialist and Jew / Chaim Brenner
Letters and Program / Joseph Trumpeldor
Letters, diary and essays / Zvi Schatz
Cooperative settlement and Ahva / Nachman Syrkin
2. Some experiments
The Mehravia worker cooperative / Joseph Rabinowitz
Discussion in the General Assembly at Kibbutz Degania
From Degania : A letter to a friend and an essay / Joseph Bussel
The Betanya Commune, selection from diaries / N. Bistritski (Agnon), ed.
The beginnings of Kibbutz Herut / J. Oppenheim and H. Gardneur
3. Thinkers
Thoughts and letters / A. D. Gordon
The essays on Hashomer Hazair / Meir Yaari and Moshe Yaari (Wald)
The large Kvutza / Shlomo Lavi
4. Constitutions and programs
Draft for kibbutz constitution / A committee of Kvutza representatives
Stature of the Labor Brigade (Gedud Haavodah), 1925
The program of the National Kibbutz Movement of the Young Guard ( Hakibbutz Haartzi Hashomer Hazair), 1927
5. Problems
The Kvutza, a report from 1920 / Nachman Syrkin, ed., and Zalman Rubashov (Shazar)
A Meeting of representatives of Kibbutz groupes, 1923
Conflicts over childcare: kibbutz Ein Harrod
Appendix: Stastistical data
Mention de responsabilité :
ed. by Avraham Yassour
Permalink :
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme