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/ [s.n.]
[périodique] Tinderbox : An offline journal of combative Anarchy [texte imprimé] . -
[s.n.] .
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Résumé :
"Tinderbox is a seasonal print-only anarchist paper that aspires to engage with combative anarchy across the multitude of contexts found throughout the territory currently governed by the United States. This publication focuses on reflection, analysis and longer-form writing - the ideas that inform where we are headed, how we get there and why. We publish book reviews, historical retrospectives, interviews, debates, analysis, proposals, and critiques that expand our struggle against all forms of domination." [Extrait de l'édito, 2024, n°4]
Première publication :
Dernière publication :
en cours
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 701 papier prêt exclu 2024: 4
Titre :
Tinderbox : An offline journal of combative Anarchy
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Résumé :
"Tinderbox is a seasonal print-only anarchist paper that aspires to engage with combative anarchy across the multitude of contexts found throughout the territory currently governed by the United States. This publication focuses on reflection, analysis and longer-form writing - the ideas that inform where we are headed, how we get there and why. We publish book reviews, historical retrospectives, interviews, debates, analysis, proposals, and critiques that expand our struggle against all forms of domination." [Extrait de l'édito, 2024, n°4]
Première publication :
Dernière publication :
en cours
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 701 papier prêt exclu 2024: 4
Liste des numéros ou bulletins :
Aucun bulletin trouvé
Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme