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/ Balkan anarchist network (2023)
The Balkan Anarchist Network [texte imprimé] . -
Balkan anarchist network :
Antipolitika , 2023 . - 223 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng ) Slovène (
slv ) Serbo-croate (Latin) (
scr ) Roumain (
rum ) Bulgare (
bul ) Grec moderne (
gre ) Albanais (
alb ) Allemand (
ger )
Résumé :
In the summer of 2023, we helped bring out a book about the history of the anarchist network in the Balkans. It is in eight languages, six languages of the region (Slovenien, Serbocroatian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Albanian) as well as in English and German. The book tells the story of how anarchists in our region came together to form a network of mutual aid and solidarity, deyfing the logic of the nation state – from the underground and exile of the 80s and and the anti-war movement of the 90s until the bookfairs and joint actions of the 2000s and joint publications of the 2010s. [presentation publisher]
The Balkan Anarchist Network
Balkanska anarhistična mreža
Балканската анархистка мрежа
Το Βαλκανικό Αναρχικό Δίκτυο
Reţeaua anarhistă balcanică
Rrjeti anarkist ballkanik
Das anarchistische Netzwerk im Balkan
Photo documentation
Mention de responsabilité :
Permalink :
Titre :
The Balkan Anarchist Network
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
Balkan anarchist network
Année de publication :
Autre Editeur :
Importance :
223 p.
Présentation :
Format :
24 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng ) Slovène (slv ) Serbo-croate (Latin) (scr ) Roumain (rum ) Bulgare (bul ) Grec moderne (gre ) Albanais (alb ) Allemand (ger )
Résumé :
In the summer of 2023, we helped bring out a book about the history of the anarchist network in the Balkans. It is in eight languages, six languages of the region (Slovenien, Serbocroatian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Albanian) as well as in English and German. The book tells the story of how anarchists in our region came together to form a network of mutual aid and solidarity, deyfing the logic of the nation state – from the underground and exile of the 80s and and the anti-war movement of the 90s until the bookfairs and joint actions of the 2000s and joint publications of the 2010s. [presentation publisher]
The Balkan Anarchist Network
Balkanska anarhistična mreža
Балканската анархистка мрежа
Το Βαλκανικό Αναρχικό Δίκτυο
Reţeaua anarhistă balcanică
Rrjeti anarkist ballkanik
Das anarchistische Netzwerk im Balkan
Photo documentation
Mention de responsabilité :
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme