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/ Federation for Anarchist Organising (2023)
Your Wars - Our Dead ! [texte imprimé] . -
Federation for Anarchist Organising , 2023 . - 26 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
"Your Wars - Our Dead! is based on numerous discussions in anarchist and anti-authoritarian spaces in Ljubljana that were dedicated to the issues of war, militarisation of society and capitalist devastation. The text itself was mostly written in late March and April for the purpose of internal discussion on the congress of "International of Anarchist Federation". In June and July 2023 it was updated for the "Balkan Anarchist Bookfair" (BAB) in Ljubljana between 6th and 9th July 2023. It represents a contribution of "Federation for Anarchist Organising" to the bookfair's cluster discussion "Balkan Anarchists against War. The whole text is published on "". [résumé page de garde]
Mention de responsabilité :
Federation for Anarchist Organising
Permalink :
Titre :
Your Wars - Our Dead !
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
Federation for Anarchist Organising
Année de publication :
Importance :
26 p.
Présentation :
Format :
21 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
"Your Wars - Our Dead! is based on numerous discussions in anarchist and anti-authoritarian spaces in Ljubljana that were dedicated to the issues of war, militarisation of society and capitalist devastation. The text itself was mostly written in late March and April for the purpose of internal discussion on the congress of "International of Anarchist Federation". In June and July 2023 it was updated for the "Balkan Anarchist Bookfair" (BAB) in Ljubljana between 6th and 9th July 2023. It represents a contribution of "Federation for Anarchist Organising" to the bookfair's cluster discussion "Balkan Anarchists against War. The whole text is published on "". [résumé page de garde]
Mention de responsabilité :
Federation for Anarchist Organising
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme