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/ Boston [USA] : [s.n.]
[périodique] Barricada [texte imprimé] . -
Boston [USA] : [s.n.] .
Revolutionary leftist publication of the Barricada collective
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Barricada is a non-partisan, non-hierarchical collective within the radical leftist spectrum with the principle aim of producing and distributing revolutionary propaganda and news. We work to build class-consciousness through the distribution of radical left wing culture and ideas as an alternative to the state and the capitalist system. To this end we distribute pamphlets, flyers, newsletters, and other forms of propaganda, as well as participating in initiatives which are in line with our general ideas and beliefs.
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 655 papier prêt exclu 2001 : no. 6, 9, 11
2002 : no. 20
Titre :
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
Boston [USA] : [s.n.]
Note générale :
Revolutionary leftist publication of the Barricada collective
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Barricada is a non-partisan, non-hierarchical collective within the radical leftist spectrum with the principle aim of producing and distributing revolutionary propaganda and news. We work to build class-consciousness through the distribution of radical left wing culture and ideas as an alternative to the state and the capitalist system. To this end we distribute pamphlets, flyers, newsletters, and other forms of propaganda, as well as participating in initiatives which are in line with our general ideas and beliefs.
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 655 papier prêt exclu 2001 : no. 6, 9, 11
2002 : no. 20
Liste des numéros ou bulletins :
Aucun bulletin trouvé
Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme