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/ London [UK] : [s.n.]
[périodique] Strike! [texte imprimé] . -
London [UK] : [s.n.] .
Changement de format depuis le numéro 16 (2016).
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
STRIKE! is a feminist collective. We produce a quarterly magazine, video content and organise events across London. We are committed to platforming grassroots movements and the creative culture of these fights.[...]
STRIKE! is a dissident collective led by women committed to platforming grassroots movements and the creative culture of these fights. [...]
Each issue of STRIKE! is themed. For each issue we will release a short editorial statement on that theme that you can respond to however you like, be it written, visual, or audio, etc. [...]
STRIKE! Magazine is a self-published and self-distributed print magazine. [...]
STRIKE! is reader-supported and advertisement free. [...]
[Extraits de la présentation du magazine sur le site internet, mai 2018]
Première publication :
Dernière publication :
en cours
En ligne :
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 691 papier prêt exclu 2012: 1
2013: 4
2014: 6 à 8
2015: 10 à 14
2016: 15, 16 (avec un lot de cartes postales), 17
2017: 18
Titre :
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
London [UK] : [s.n.]
Note générale :
Changement de format depuis le numéro 16 (2016).
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
STRIKE! is a feminist collective. We produce a quarterly magazine, video content and organise events across London. We are committed to platforming grassroots movements and the creative culture of these fights.[...]
STRIKE! is a dissident collective led by women committed to platforming grassroots movements and the creative culture of these fights. [...]
Each issue of STRIKE! is themed. For each issue we will release a short editorial statement on that theme that you can respond to however you like, be it written, visual, or audio, etc. [...]
STRIKE! Magazine is a self-published and self-distributed print magazine. [...]
STRIKE! is reader-supported and advertisement free. [...]
[Extraits de la présentation du magazine sur le site internet, mai 2018]
Première publication :
Dernière publication :
en cours
En ligne :
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 691 papier prêt exclu 2012: 1
2013: 4
2014: 6 à 8
2015: 10 à 14
2016: 15, 16 (avec un lot de cartes postales), 17
2017: 18
Liste des numéros ou bulletins :
Aucun bulletin trouvé
Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme