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/ 2015
"It all starts in the park" : The "Schlepperei" trial 2014 : A trial on parag. 114 FPG which received special attention. A collection of articles [texte imprimé] . - 2015 . - 48 p. ; 21 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Langues originales : Allemand (
ger )
Catégories :
Résumé :
"This booklet is about a trial against 8 people accused of "human smuggling" in Wiener Neustadt 2013/2014. It wants to give background information and to point out its connection to the criminalization of migration in general.
This version is the English translation of a booklet published in German in January 2015." [extrait du quatrième de couv.]
- Chronology of events
- A letter from prison
- An overview of what has happened during the court
- Sessions from march until november 2014
- Statements from some of the accused (september 2014)
- About the German terms "Schlepperei", "Fluchthilfe" and "Grenzübertrittsdienstleistung"
- A few thoughts on the capitalist border regime
- Criminalization of poverty
- Interview with one accused
- Parag. 114 FPG -- The so-called "Schlepperei" paragraph
- "SOKO north" and "SOKO south"--Task force north and task force south
- Cell phone serveillance--How the police can observe your mobile phone
- Quotes from the courtroom
- Six exemplary reports of the trial
- Statement of the accused from may 2014
- Resistance is everywhere--Call for solidarity with the imprisoned refugee-activists
- We have never done this job--Interview in MALMOE (march 2014)
- Statement on yesterday's proclamation of the verdict
- Overview of the sentences
- Book recommendation : Stefan Buchen, Die neuen Staatsfeinde.
Permalink :
Titre :
"It all starts in the park" : The "Schlepperei" trial 2014 : A trial on parag. 114 FPG which received special attention. A collection of articles
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Année de publication :
Importance :
48 p.
Format :
21 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng ) Langues originales : Allemand (ger )
Catégories :
Résumé :
"This booklet is about a trial against 8 people accused of "human smuggling" in Wiener Neustadt 2013/2014. It wants to give background information and to point out its connection to the criminalization of migration in general.
This version is the English translation of a booklet published in German in January 2015." [extrait du quatrième de couv.]
- Chronology of events
- A letter from prison
- An overview of what has happened during the court
- Sessions from march until november 2014
- Statements from some of the accused (september 2014)
- About the German terms "Schlepperei", "Fluchthilfe" and "Grenzübertrittsdienstleistung"
- A few thoughts on the capitalist border regime
- Criminalization of poverty
- Interview with one accused
- Parag. 114 FPG -- The so-called "Schlepperei" paragraph
- "SOKO north" and "SOKO south"--Task force north and task force south
- Cell phone serveillance--How the police can observe your mobile phone
- Quotes from the courtroom
- Six exemplary reports of the trial
- Statement of the accused from may 2014
- Resistance is everywhere--Call for solidarity with the imprisoned refugee-activists
- We have never done this job--Interview in MALMOE (march 2014)
- Statement on yesterday's proclamation of the verdict
- Overview of the sentences
- Book recommendation : Stefan Buchen, Die neuen Staatsfeinde.
Permalink :
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme