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[périodique] Continual War [texte imprimé].
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Résumé :
"Continual War was originally a publication from the Northwest. The idea was to create a publication that was specifically a list of action reports along the West Coast, which was consciously trying to contribute to the social war. Through informal and strategic actions against the existing order. Now this project has taken a virtual form and will periodically be released as a by hand publication with theoretical analysis supplemented with a list of actions."
En ligne :
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Etat des collections
cira Pa 661 papier prêt exclu 2011 : 3
Titre :
Continual War
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Résumé :
"Continual War was originally a publication from the Northwest. The idea was to create a publication that was specifically a list of action reports along the West Coast, which was consciously trying to contribute to the social war. Through informal and strategic actions against the existing order. Now this project has taken a virtual form and will periodically be released as a by hand publication with theoretical analysis supplemented with a list of actions."
En ligne :
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 661 papier prêt exclu 2011 : 3
Liste des numéros ou bulletins :
Aucun bulletin trouvé
Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme