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/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2009)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Murray BOOKCHIN (1921-2006) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2009 . - 126 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Facts on the ground / Lucy and Uri Gordon
The aftermaths of the war on Gaza / Osama Abu-Irshaid
'We wish you a merry crisis and a happy new Fear': a postscript from the December riots in Athens / Christos Iliopoulos
Of money, heresy, and surrender (Part I): The ways of our system, an outline, from Bretton Woods to the financial slump of 2008 / Guido Giacomo Preparata
(Tory) anarchy in the UK: the very peculiar practice of tory anarchism / Peter Wilkin
'Love is always free': anarchism, free unions, and utopianism in Edwardian England / Ginger Frost
The political legacy of Murray Bookchin / Brian Morris
Sex bombs: anticipating a free society / Judy Greenway
Abel Paz, Durruti in the Spanish Revolution / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
James Herod, Getting Free: Creating an Association of Democratic Autonomous Neighborhoods / Reviewed by Uri Gordon
Staughton Lynd & Andrej Grubacic, Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History / Reviewed by Nathan Jun
Paul McLaughlin, Anarchism and Authority: A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism / Reviewed by Sam Clark
Saul Newman, Unstable Universalities: Poststructuralism and Radical Politics / Reviewed by Lewis Call
Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible. A History of Anarchism / Reviewed by Dave Berry to top
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Murray BOOKCHIN (1921-2006)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
126 p.
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
24 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Facts on the ground / Lucy and Uri Gordon
The aftermaths of the war on Gaza / Osama Abu-Irshaid
'We wish you a merry crisis and a happy new Fear': a postscript from the December riots in Athens / Christos Iliopoulos
Of money, heresy, and surrender (Part I): The ways of our system, an outline, from Bretton Woods to the financial slump of 2008 / Guido Giacomo Preparata
(Tory) anarchy in the UK: the very peculiar practice of tory anarchism / Peter Wilkin
'Love is always free': anarchism, free unions, and utopianism in Edwardian England / Ginger Frost
The political legacy of Murray Bookchin / Brian Morris
Sex bombs: anticipating a free society / Judy Greenway
Abel Paz, Durruti in the Spanish Revolution / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
James Herod, Getting Free: Creating an Association of Democratic Autonomous Neighborhoods / Reviewed by Uri Gordon
Staughton Lynd & Andrej Grubacic, Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History / Reviewed by Nathan Jun
Paul McLaughlin, Anarchism and Authority: A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism / Reviewed by Sam Clark
Saul Newman, Unstable Universalities: Poststructuralism and Radical Politics / Reviewed by Lewis Call
Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible. A History of Anarchism / Reviewed by Dave Berry to top
Permalink :
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme