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/ Bristol [UK] : Intellect (2021)
‘The strange brotherhood of the blue ship’ : Albert Camus and Justin Sullivan’s philosophy of measure [document électronique] /
Joanna ROŚ ;
Albert CAMUS (1913-1960) . -
Bristol [UK] : Intellect , 2021 . - 15 p. ; PDF texte.
Article tiré à part de: Punk & Post-Punk, Volume 10, Number 1, February 2021, (E-ISSN 2044-3706), pp. 83-97
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Abstact: In their texts, Albert Camus and Justin Sullivan describe how rebels who get carried away with their revolutionary zeal lose touch with the original basis of their rebellion. They emphasize that a failure to achieve measure results in excess and disproportion, destroying the fields of tension upon which human existence and rebellion depend. Through their spirit of moderation and their critique of the hubristic narratives of European modernity and postmodernity, they offer a constructive view of human nature, a positive vision of dialogical life in communion and the alternative utopian energy needed to reinvent a human sociopolitical order. This article presents a comparative analysis of Albert Camus’s philosophy and the ethos contained in Justin Sullivan’s lyrics. In doing so, it suggests that these two writers embrace a coherent tradition of ethical thinking informed by anarchist philosophy.
Mention de responsabilité :
Joanna Roś
Permalink :
Titre :
‘The strange brotherhood of the blue ship’ : Albert Camus and Justin Sullivan’s philosophy of measure
Type de document :
document électronique
Auteurs :
Joanna ROŚ ; Albert CAMUS (1913-1960)
Editeur :
Bristol [UK] : Intellect
Année de publication :
Importance :
15 p.
Format :
PDF texte
Note générale :
Article tiré à part de: Punk & Post-Punk, Volume 10, Number 1, February 2021, (E-ISSN 2044-3706), pp. 83-97
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Abstact: In their texts, Albert Camus and Justin Sullivan describe how rebels who get carried away with their revolutionary zeal lose touch with the original basis of their rebellion. They emphasize that a failure to achieve measure results in excess and disproportion, destroying the fields of tension upon which human existence and rebellion depend. Through their spirit of moderation and their critique of the hubristic narratives of European modernity and postmodernity, they offer a constructive view of human nature, a positive vision of dialogical life in communion and the alternative utopian energy needed to reinvent a human sociopolitical order. This article presents a comparative analysis of Albert Camus’s philosophy and the ethos contained in Justin Sullivan’s lyrics. In doing so, it suggests that these two writers embrace a coherent tradition of ethical thinking informed by anarchist philosophy.
Mention de responsabilité :
Joanna Roś
Permalink :
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme