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/ Lausanne [Suisse] : [s.n.] (2018)
Proxtension: A discourse about Typography as extension, action, reaction [texte imprimé] /
Federico PAVIANI . -
Lausanne [Suisse] : [s.n.] , 2018 . - 115 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
This thesis is the result of a research project done by Federico Paviani during the Master programme in type design at ECAL [Ecole cantonale d'art], 2017-2018.
Les illustration proviennent des collections du CIRA.
Langues : Anglais (
eng ) Italien (
ita )
Langues originales : Italien (
ita )
Catégories :
ART ; ÉDITION ; PRESSE:Fac-similés
Résumé :
An odd influence from the pop-culture: Marshall McLuhan
A post-Sixties effect
Blast and Counterblast
Process part 01
- The avatar of the turtle's shell, reflection on our media
- Media as a collective shield
- Printed space as counter-environment
- A table after the chair : typography as social consequence
Process part 02
- Type design as an empty lab : discussion with Robin Coenen and André van Rueth
Visual journal [sélection de périodiques italiens, 1967-1991]
Conclusion, bibliography and references
Mention de responsabilité :
Federico Paviani
Permalink :
Titre :
Proxtension: A discourse about Typography as extension, action, reaction
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Federico PAVIANI
Editeur :
Lausanne [Suisse] : [s.n.]
Année de publication :
Importance :
115 p.
Présentation :
Format :
19 cm
Note générale :
This thesis is the result of a research project done by Federico Paviani during the Master programme in type design at ECAL [Ecole cantonale d'art], 2017-2018.
Les illustration proviennent des collections du CIRA.
Langues :
Anglais (eng ) Italien (ita ) Langues originales : Italien (ita )
Catégories :
ART ; ÉDITION ; PRESSE:Fac-similés
Résumé :
An odd influence from the pop-culture: Marshall McLuhan
A post-Sixties effect
Blast and Counterblast
Process part 01
- The avatar of the turtle's shell, reflection on our media
- Media as a collective shield
- Printed space as counter-environment
- A table after the chair : typography as social consequence
Process part 02
- Type design as an empty lab : discussion with Robin Coenen and André van Rueth
Visual journal [sélection de périodiques italiens, 1967-1991]
Conclusion, bibliography and references
Mention de responsabilité :
Federico Paviani
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme