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/ London [UK] : Kate Sharpley Library (2006)
The Couriers are revolting! The Despatch industry workers' union 1989-92 [texte imprimé] /
London [UK] : Kate Sharpley Library , 2006 . - 25 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-873605-67-7
Reprint de l'éd. de 2000.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
"Anarcho-syndicalism on bikes! An insiders account of the ups and downs of organising an anarcho-syndicalist union in London's despatch industry." [extrait de (08.04.2016)]
1. Nothing to lose but your chains...
2. Introduction
3. Recruitment / Membership
4. Politics
5. Those charming chaps at the TGWU
6. Say it with picketing
7. Self-employment my arse
8. Cop a load of these bastards
9. Workplace branches
10. First courier
11. Worst one
12. Breaking the speed limit
13. Apollo
14. Harley street runners--literally
15. Express Bromley
16. Cycle logical victory at Southbank
17. West End despatch
18. Best insurance quote : "Norwich Union are tossers."
19. Other activities
20. We came, we saw, we conked out
Note de contenu :
Coupure de presse (Evening Standard, 22nd February 1990)
Mention de responsabilité :
Des Patchrider
Permalink :
Titre :
The Couriers are revolting! The Despatch industry workers' union 1989-92
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Editeur :
London [UK] : Kate Sharpley Library
Année de publication :
Importance :
25 p.
Présentation :
Format :
21 cm
Note générale :
Reprint de l'éd. de 2000.
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
"Anarcho-syndicalism on bikes! An insiders account of the ups and downs of organising an anarcho-syndicalist union in London's despatch industry." [extrait de (08.04.2016)]
1. Nothing to lose but your chains...
2. Introduction
3. Recruitment / Membership
4. Politics
5. Those charming chaps at the TGWU
6. Say it with picketing
7. Self-employment my arse
8. Cop a load of these bastards
9. Workplace branches
10. First courier
11. Worst one
12. Breaking the speed limit
13. Apollo
14. Harley street runners--literally
15. Express Bromley
16. Cycle logical victory at Southbank
17. West End despatch
18. Best insurance quote : "Norwich Union are tossers."
19. Other activities
20. We came, we saw, we conked out
Note de contenu :
Coupure de presse (Evening Standard, 22nd February 1990)
Mention de responsabilité :
Des Patchrider
Permalink :
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme