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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Edward Alsworth ROSS
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/ New York [USA] : The Century Co (1918)
Russia in Upheaval [texte imprimé] /
Edward Alsworth ROSS ;
Léon Davidovitch TROTSKI (1879-1940) . -
New York [USA] : The Century Co , 1918 . - xviii + 354 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Index, maps
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
FEMMES ; RUSSIE:Histoire:1905-1917 ; URSS:Histoire:1917-1921
Résumé :
1. Twice across Siberia
2. The Volga and the Caspian to Tiflis
3. Impressions from the Caucasus
4. The Film of Russian Central Asia
5. The rug market at Merv
6. The Russian people
7. Soil hunger and the land question
8. The Roots of revolution
Tsar glorification; When did autocracy become a millstone about the neck of the Russian people?; The duel between the Terrorists and the Government; "Propaganda by the deed"; The character of Nicholas II; Growing diabolism of his government; Persecution of the Children of Light by the Sons of Darkness; The concessions of 1905; The Duma farce; Mismanagement of the war; Overthrow of Stürmer; The Rasputin affair; The provocative Protopopof; Hunger riots; The events of the March revolution.
9. Returning revolutionists
Revolutionists, sham and real; Data concerning a party of homing refugees, Stories of B.; Story of a woman revolutionist; The "life of the hunted"; Loyalty to one another; The revolutionists' opinion of America; Confidence in the masses; Why the revolutionists are all socialists; Prevalence of Marxism among Russian university students; How persecution interrupted the intellectual development of the radicals; The repatriated revolutionists responsible for the triumph of Bolshevism.
10. Revolutionary movements and parties
11. Caste and democracy
12. Russian women and their outlook
The moral superiority of women; Russian women in new jobs; Attitude towards their work; Stronger than men under temptation; Their excellence of character; Want of chivalry in Russian men; Is male chivalry good for women?; Independent spirit of Russian young women; Admission of women to the professions; Access to the higher schools; Russian highschool girls; Ideals of Russian women; The "women's battalion"; Causes of the emancipation of women in Russia; Girls' schools, 'advenced' thought, the role of the girl revolutionists; Prospects of the peasant women.
13. Labor and capital
14. Religion, the Church, and the sects
15. The United States of Russia
16. Prospects and lessons
Mention de responsabilité :
Edward Alsworth Ross
Permalink :
Titre :
Russia in Upheaval
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Edward Alsworth ROSS ; Léon Davidovitch TROTSKI (1879-1940)
Editeur :
New York [USA] : The Century Co
Année de publication :
Importance :
xviii + 354 p.
Présentation :
Format :
21 cm
Note générale :
Index, maps
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
FEMMES ; RUSSIE:Histoire:1905-1917 ; URSS:Histoire:1917-1921
Résumé :
1. Twice across Siberia
2. The Volga and the Caspian to Tiflis
3. Impressions from the Caucasus
4. The Film of Russian Central Asia
5. The rug market at Merv
6. The Russian people
7. Soil hunger and the land question
8. The Roots of revolution
Tsar glorification; When did autocracy become a millstone about the neck of the Russian people?; The duel between the Terrorists and the Government; "Propaganda by the deed"; The character of Nicholas II; Growing diabolism of his government; Persecution of the Children of Light by the Sons of Darkness; The concessions of 1905; The Duma farce; Mismanagement of the war; Overthrow of Stürmer; The Rasputin affair; The provocative Protopopof; Hunger riots; The events of the March revolution.
9. Returning revolutionists
Revolutionists, sham and real; Data concerning a party of homing refugees, Stories of B.; Story of a woman revolutionist; The "life of the hunted"; Loyalty to one another; The revolutionists' opinion of America; Confidence in the masses; Why the revolutionists are all socialists; Prevalence of Marxism among Russian university students; How persecution interrupted the intellectual development of the radicals; The repatriated revolutionists responsible for the triumph of Bolshevism.
10. Revolutionary movements and parties
11. Caste and democracy
12. Russian women and their outlook
The moral superiority of women; Russian women in new jobs; Attitude towards their work; Stronger than men under temptation; Their excellence of character; Want of chivalry in Russian men; Is male chivalry good for women?; Independent spirit of Russian young women; Admission of women to the professions; Access to the higher schools; Russian highschool girls; Ideals of Russian women; The "women's battalion"; Causes of the emancipation of women in Russia; Girls' schools, 'advenced' thought, the role of the girl revolutionists; Prospects of the peasant women.
13. Labor and capital
14. Religion, the Church, and the sects
15. The United States of Russia
16. Prospects and lessons
Mention de responsabilité :
Edward Alsworth Ross
Permalink :
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme