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/ London [UK] : Freedom Press (1952)
Neither East nor West : selected writings [texte imprimé] /
Marie-Louise BERNERI (1918-1949) ;
Vernon RICHARDS (1915-2001) . -
London [UK] : Freedom Press , 1952 . - 192 p. ; 20 cm.
Publ. for the Marie Louise Berneri Memorial Committee.
Selection of articles written between 1940-1948.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
ETATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE:Histoire:1919 -> 1945 ; ETATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE:Histoire:1946 -> 1998 ; FASCISME ET ANTIFASCISME ; GRANDE-BRETAGNE:Histoire ; GUERRE:Deuxième guerre mondiale ; POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE ; URSS:Histoire:1922-1989
Résumé :
A Constructive Policy
I. Defenders of Democracy
1. Will America Rule the Wolrd ?
2. American Imperialism versus German Imperialism
3. The Axis versus "Democracy"
4. "Democratic" Russia
5. "Aid to Russia"
6. Our New Ally
7. Down With the Colour Bar
8. The American Elections
9. The Burma Evacuation
10. Hell Ships for Refugees
11. Quislingitis
12. Fascist at Work in Algeria
13. War and Fascism
14. State Control or Workers Control
15. Record of the Third International
16. Stalinist Offensive Against Revolutionary Militant
17. Behind the Slogans: Friendship with the USSR
18. Stakhanovism and the British Workers
19. Stalin beats Bevin. Labour Conscription in USSR
II. The Price of War and of Liberation
20. British Bombing
21. By Fire and Sword
22. "Liberating" Italy with Bombs
23. One year of Struggle in "Liberted" Italy
24. Italy To-Day - The Price of Liberation
25. Save the Greman People
26. In Darkest Germany
27. Germany: Misery and Corruption
28. Famine in Roumania
III. United Nations
29. Horrors of Peace
30. British Intervention in Asia
31. British Army of Oppression
32. The Great Farce of San Fransisco
33. Famine and Political Crisis
34. Crisis over Europe
35. U.N.O. - Screen for Political Intrigue
36. U.N.O. Cannot Prevent War
37. Futility in France
38. The Russian Elections
39. Changing Scene in Russia
40. Stalin's Christmas Box
41. Terror in Eastern Europe
42. Trials in Jugolsavia
43. Ukrainian Witch Hunt
44. More Sabotage in Russia ?
45. From the Horse's Mouth
46. The Myth of Czech Democracy
47. Guilty Men in Prague
48. Clearing Up in Prague
49. "Our Dear Jan"
50. Marshall's Miracle
51. Does Britain Show the Way ?
Neither East nor West
Note de contenu :
Mention de responsabilité :
Marie Louise Berneri ; foreword V[ernon] R[ichards]
Permalink :
Titre :
Neither East nor West : selected writings
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Marie-Louise BERNERI (1918-1949) ; Vernon RICHARDS (1915-2001)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Freedom Press
Année de publication :
Importance :
192 p.
Format :
20 cm
Note générale :
Publ. for the Marie Louise Berneri Memorial Committee.
Selection of articles written between 1940-1948.
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
ETATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE:Histoire:1919 -> 1945 ; ETATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE:Histoire:1946 -> 1998 ; FASCISME ET ANTIFASCISME ; GRANDE-BRETAGNE:Histoire ; GUERRE:Deuxième guerre mondiale ; POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE ; URSS:Histoire:1922-1989
Résumé :
A Constructive Policy
I. Defenders of Democracy
1. Will America Rule the Wolrd ?
2. American Imperialism versus German Imperialism
3. The Axis versus "Democracy"
4. "Democratic" Russia
5. "Aid to Russia"
6. Our New Ally
7. Down With the Colour Bar
8. The American Elections
9. The Burma Evacuation
10. Hell Ships for Refugees
11. Quislingitis
12. Fascist at Work in Algeria
13. War and Fascism
14. State Control or Workers Control
15. Record of the Third International
16. Stalinist Offensive Against Revolutionary Militant
17. Behind the Slogans: Friendship with the USSR
18. Stakhanovism and the British Workers
19. Stalin beats Bevin. Labour Conscription in USSR
II. The Price of War and of Liberation
20. British Bombing
21. By Fire and Sword
22. "Liberating" Italy with Bombs
23. One year of Struggle in "Liberted" Italy
24. Italy To-Day - The Price of Liberation
25. Save the Greman People
26. In Darkest Germany
27. Germany: Misery and Corruption
28. Famine in Roumania
III. United Nations
29. Horrors of Peace
30. British Intervention in Asia
31. British Army of Oppression
32. The Great Farce of San Fransisco
33. Famine and Political Crisis
34. Crisis over Europe
35. U.N.O. - Screen for Political Intrigue
36. U.N.O. Cannot Prevent War
37. Futility in France
38. The Russian Elections
39. Changing Scene in Russia
40. Stalin's Christmas Box
41. Terror in Eastern Europe
42. Trials in Jugolsavia
43. Ukrainian Witch Hunt
44. More Sabotage in Russia ?
45. From the Horse's Mouth
46. The Myth of Czech Democracy
47. Guilty Men in Prague
48. Clearing Up in Prague
49. "Our Dear Jan"
50. Marshall's Miracle
51. Does Britain Show the Way ?
Neither East nor West
Note de contenu :
Mention de responsabilité :
Marie Louise Berneri ; foreword V[ernon] R[ichards]
Permalink :
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme