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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Christina V. PACOSZ
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (1 )
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/ Detroit [USA] : Black and Red (1985)
Some winded, wild beast [texte imprimé] /
Christina V. PACOSZ . -
Detroit [USA] : Black and Red , 1985 . - 97 p. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
- Prologue: The Roots of joy
- The Shores of rage: Got to revolution; The Diego Rivera Mural, Detroit Institute of the Arts, 1953-1959; Down by the river; Dear Sophia
- Love Poems for the 'Other': The Red, the Black and the White; An old story; For Tommy Pawlowski at the K of C Hall; Sweet Companion, canis familiaris; There are men, but they are moving to Long Island; Four gates to the city, alleluia
- Enough of accident: Train time; How the sound of freedom dies; Immigrant lament; While I write, a neighbor boy points a plastic gun; To be a fish with blind eyes
- Some winded, wild beast: Hail to the horned god; This ferment; Some winded, wild beast; Death is a door; Trying to find out about Crazy woman Creek, Wyoming
Mention de responsabilité :
Christina V. Pacosz
Permalink :
Titre :
Some winded, wild beast
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Christina V. PACOSZ
Editeur :
Detroit [USA] : Black and Red
Année de publication :
Importance :
97 p.
Format :
22 cm
Note générale :
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
- Prologue: The Roots of joy
- The Shores of rage: Got to revolution; The Diego Rivera Mural, Detroit Institute of the Arts, 1953-1959; Down by the river; Dear Sophia
- Love Poems for the 'Other': The Red, the Black and the White; An old story; For Tommy Pawlowski at the K of C Hall; Sweet Companion, canis familiaris; There are men, but they are moving to Long Island; Four gates to the city, alleluia
- Enough of accident: Train time; How the sound of freedom dies; Immigrant lament; While I write, a neighbor boy points a plastic gun; To be a fish with blind eyes
- Some winded, wild beast: Hail to the horned god; This ferment; Some winded, wild beast; Death is a door; Trying to find out about Crazy woman Creek, Wyoming
Mention de responsabilité :
Christina V. Pacosz
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme