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The workers solidarity movement
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/ [S.l.] [Irlande] : The workers solidarity movement (2011 ca)
London burns : causes and consequences of the London riots : an anarchist perspective [document électronique] /
The workers solidarity movement (Irlande) . -
[S.l.] [Irlande] : The workers solidarity movement , 2011 ca . - 28 p. ; PDF ocr.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
What happened ?
The killing of Mark Duggan
Demanding answers and the start of the riot
The spread of the rioting
Choosing sides ?
A brief history of police killings
Economic conditions in Tottenham
The crisis and the cuts
The politics of riots
Will no one think of the Olympics ?
Class and race
How do racism & poverty intersect ?
Who actually rioted ?
Inter-community tension, shopkeepers, class & defence squads
Far-right fantasy
The downside of spontaneity
The politics of fear
Consequence of scum
Riots are often contradictory
What will change ?
Afterword : Why an article from Ireland ?
Note de contenu :
Emeutes suite à l'assassinat par la police de Mark Duggan, le 4 août 2011.
Permalink :
Titre :
London burns : causes and consequences of the London riots : an anarchist perspective
Type de document :
document électronique
Auteurs :
The workers solidarity movement (Irlande)
Editeur :
[S.l.] [Irlande] : The workers solidarity movement
Année de publication :
2011 ca
Importance :
28 p.
Format :
PDF ocr
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
What happened ?
The killing of Mark Duggan
Demanding answers and the start of the riot
The spread of the rioting
Choosing sides ?
A brief history of police killings
Economic conditions in Tottenham
The crisis and the cuts
The politics of riots
Will no one think of the Olympics ?
Class and race
How do racism & poverty intersect ?
Who actually rioted ?
Inter-community tension, shopkeepers, class & defence squads
Far-right fantasy
The downside of spontaneity
The politics of fear
Consequence of scum
Riots are often contradictory
What will change ?
Afterword : Why an article from Ireland ?
Note de contenu :
Emeutes suite à l'assassinat par la police de Mark Duggan, le 4 août 2011.
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme