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bolo'bolo books
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/ bolo'bolo books (2014)
Anarchy 101 [texte imprimé] . -
bolo'bolo books , 2014 . - 224 p. ; 21 cm. - (
Guides to anarchism, anarchy and anarchists ; 1) .
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
"Covering classic and contemporary writings from a wide range of anarchists spanning the globe, this new introductory compilation from the bolo’bolo collective explores the theories and practices of anarchism and reflects on what it means to be an anarchist in the early 21st century." [extrait de la couverture]
SECTION ONE: in a nutshell
1: Alexander Berkman - What do you want out of life?
2: Errico Malatesta - The word ‘anarchy’
3: Stuart Christie - Anarchy: a definition
4: Emma Goldman - What I believe
5: Colin Ward - Anarchism - a short introduction (excerpts)
6: Comrades of the chaco - Anarchist manifesto
7: Itō Noe - The facts of anarchy
8: The bolo’bolo collective - Statement of values
SECTION TWO: What must go
The State
9: Donald Rooum - The origin of government and democracy
10: Mikhail Bakunin - Man, society and freedom
11: Wolfi Landstreicher - Property: the enclosing fences of capital
12: Ricardo Flores Magón - Voluntary slavery
13: Peter Gelderloos - Commoning and scarcity: a manifesto against capitalism
The class divide
14: Alfredo M. Bonanno - A question of class
15: Wolfi Landstreicher - From proletarian to individual: toward an anarchist understanding of class
Hierarchy and domination
16: Cindy Milstein - Hierarchy and domination in general
17: CrimethInc. - No gods
18: CrimethInc. - Divided and conquered
SECTION THREE: what we want
Freedom and equality
19: Errico Malatesta - Majorities and minorities
20: Nestor Makhno - The anarchist revolution
21: Peter Kropotkin - Our riches
Mutual aid
22: Peter Kropotkin - Mutual aid
23: Donald Rooum - Selfishness and benevolence
24: Errico Malatesta - The anarchist revolution
25: CNT-FAI - Comrade peasant, listen
26: Penelope Rosemont - Disobedience: the antidote for miserablism
27: Kubo Yuzuru - On class struggle and the daily struggle
28: CrimethInc. - There is a secret world concealed within this one
Direct action
29: Rob Sparrow - Anarchist politics & direct action
30: Uri Gordon - Prefiguration
31: CrimethInc. - Prefiguration
Federalism, internationalism, decolonization
32: Daniel Guérin - From theory to practice
Organization and counterpower
33: Errico Malatesta - Anarchism and organization
34: Cindy Milstein - From protest to popular power
35: The Curious George Brigade - The end of arrogance: decentralization and anarchist organizing
An end to violence
36: Wayne Price - Why I am not a pacifist
37: Wolfi Landstreicher - Against the language of militancy
Reinventing ourselves
38: Andrej Grubacic & David Graeber - Anarchism, or the revolutionary movement of the twenty-first century
SECTION FOUR: Cautious utopias
39: Errico Malatesta - Towards anarchism
40: Ricardo Flores Magón - New life
41: Peter Marshall - Dancing in the new millenium
42: Federico Arcos - Empyrean
43: Peter Gelderloos - Untitled
Mention de responsabilité :
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchy 101
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
bolo'bolo books
Année de publication :
Collection :
Guides to anarchism, anarchy and anarchists num. 1
Importance :
224 p.
Format :
21 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
"Covering classic and contemporary writings from a wide range of anarchists spanning the globe, this new introductory compilation from the bolo’bolo collective explores the theories and practices of anarchism and reflects on what it means to be an anarchist in the early 21st century." [extrait de la couverture]
SECTION ONE: in a nutshell
1: Alexander Berkman - What do you want out of life?
2: Errico Malatesta - The word ‘anarchy’
3: Stuart Christie - Anarchy: a definition
4: Emma Goldman - What I believe
5: Colin Ward - Anarchism - a short introduction (excerpts)
6: Comrades of the chaco - Anarchist manifesto
7: Itō Noe - The facts of anarchy
8: The bolo’bolo collective - Statement of values
SECTION TWO: What must go
The State
9: Donald Rooum - The origin of government and democracy
10: Mikhail Bakunin - Man, society and freedom
11: Wolfi Landstreicher - Property: the enclosing fences of capital
12: Ricardo Flores Magón - Voluntary slavery
13: Peter Gelderloos - Commoning and scarcity: a manifesto against capitalism
The class divide
14: Alfredo M. Bonanno - A question of class
15: Wolfi Landstreicher - From proletarian to individual: toward an anarchist understanding of class
Hierarchy and domination
16: Cindy Milstein - Hierarchy and domination in general
17: CrimethInc. - No gods
18: CrimethInc. - Divided and conquered
SECTION THREE: what we want
Freedom and equality
19: Errico Malatesta - Majorities and minorities
20: Nestor Makhno - The anarchist revolution
21: Peter Kropotkin - Our riches
Mutual aid
22: Peter Kropotkin - Mutual aid
23: Donald Rooum - Selfishness and benevolence
24: Errico Malatesta - The anarchist revolution
25: CNT-FAI - Comrade peasant, listen
26: Penelope Rosemont - Disobedience: the antidote for miserablism
27: Kubo Yuzuru - On class struggle and the daily struggle
28: CrimethInc. - There is a secret world concealed within this one
Direct action
29: Rob Sparrow - Anarchist politics & direct action
30: Uri Gordon - Prefiguration
31: CrimethInc. - Prefiguration
Federalism, internationalism, decolonization
32: Daniel Guérin - From theory to practice
Organization and counterpower
33: Errico Malatesta - Anarchism and organization
34: Cindy Milstein - From protest to popular power
35: The Curious George Brigade - The end of arrogance: decentralization and anarchist organizing
An end to violence
36: Wayne Price - Why I am not a pacifist
37: Wolfi Landstreicher - Against the language of militancy
Reinventing ourselves
38: Andrej Grubacic & David Graeber - Anarchism, or the revolutionary movement of the twenty-first century
SECTION FOUR: Cautious utopias
39: Errico Malatesta - Towards anarchism
40: Ricardo Flores Magón - New life
41: Peter Marshall - Dancing in the new millenium
42: Federico Arcos - Empyrean
43: Peter Gelderloos - Untitled
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Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme