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Détail de l'éditeur
Bristol ABC (Anarchist Black Cross)
Adresse :
c/o Kebele Community Coop
14 Robertson Road
BS5 6JY Bristol
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (1 )
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/ Bristol [UK] : Bristol ABC (Anarchist Black Cross) (2014)
Never alone: A zine about supporting prisoners by those on the outside [texte imprimé] /
Bristol [UK] : Bristol ABC (Anarchist Black Cross) :
Empty Cages collective , 2014 . - 32 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
- Introduction
- Between two worlds: An article expressing the experience of supporting a family member through a 20-year prison sentence in Spain.
- Inside an Anarchist Black Cross group: An interview about the many roles of an ABC organiser.
- Visit, a poem by Michele DR.
- Supporting Sam: An article about the rollercoaster ride when your best friend is doing a life sentence and fighting for appeal.
- Close down all migration prisons: This article shares what it can be like supporting human beings held in detention centres.
- Supporting a friend, supporting a comrade: A text about organising a support campaign for those experiencing repression.
- Prisoners of the world, unite! Introducing the Free Alabama Movement and prisoner organising in the United States.
- Freedom for our mate, freedom for everyone : An aticle about what happens when your mate gets snatched by the UK Border Agency.
- How to spot an immigration raid.
- When your brother gets sent down : The confusion, anger and upset when a close family member becomes imprisoned.
- This is not me : Written by a prisoner's wife, from Inside Time Issue September 2014.
- The Visit, a poem written by Stephen, HMP Liverpool, June 2014, originally published in Inside Time.
Note de contenu :
photographies n/b
Mention de responsabilité :
ABC / Empty Cages collective
Permalink :
Titre :
Never alone: A zine about supporting prisoners by those on the outside
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Editeur :
Bristol [UK] : Bristol ABC (Anarchist Black Cross)
Année de publication :
Autre Editeur :
Empty Cages collective
Importance :
32 p.
Présentation :
Format :
21 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
- Introduction
- Between two worlds: An article expressing the experience of supporting a family member through a 20-year prison sentence in Spain.
- Inside an Anarchist Black Cross group: An interview about the many roles of an ABC organiser.
- Visit, a poem by Michele DR.
- Supporting Sam: An article about the rollercoaster ride when your best friend is doing a life sentence and fighting for appeal.
- Close down all migration prisons: This article shares what it can be like supporting human beings held in detention centres.
- Supporting a friend, supporting a comrade: A text about organising a support campaign for those experiencing repression.
- Prisoners of the world, unite! Introducing the Free Alabama Movement and prisoner organising in the United States.
- Freedom for our mate, freedom for everyone : An aticle about what happens when your mate gets snatched by the UK Border Agency.
- How to spot an immigration raid.
- When your brother gets sent down : The confusion, anger and upset when a close family member becomes imprisoned.
- This is not me : Written by a prisoner's wife, from Inside Time Issue September 2014.
- The Visit, a poem written by Stephen, HMP Liverpool, June 2014, originally published in Inside Time.
Note de contenu :
photographies n/b
Mention de responsabilité :
ABC / Empty Cages collective
Permalink :
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