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Détail de l'éditeur
Shoelacetown ABC (Anarchist Black Cross)
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/ Paramus [USA] : Shoelacetown ABC (Anarchist Black Cross)
[périodique] FTTP : (Fire to the Prisons) [texte imprimé] . -
Paramus [USA] : Shoelacetown ABC (Anarchist Black Cross) .
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
“This is written for those discontent with the world around them, and the role they are forced to have in it. This is for the world’s exploited and dominated groups or classes. It is for the uncomfortable, the miserable, the disempowered, or the lost. It is also for the uncontrollable, empowered, fed up, and criminalized. It is a reminder for those living in conflict every day with the social order that reigns upon the earth, that they are not alone. We are a revolutionary publication that hopes to report on struggles that will otherwise be mentioned inappropriately or not at all. We report on struggles that stem from a frustration with different forms of domination, and intend to achieve freedom from them, without compromise.
We hope that by reporting on these struggles, more awareness and support for them will be produced. We also hope that by reporting on these struggles others who feel frustrated with the conditions they face will be inspired to do something about them as well. Further generalizing discontent before domination.” [site de l'éditeur, avril 2015]
Dernière publication :
2011? (n°11)
En ligne :
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 661 papier prêt exclu 2011: 10 (The Tigers...), 11 (Tick tock tick)
Titre :
FTTP : (Fire to the Prisons)
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Editeur :
Paramus [USA] : Shoelacetown ABC (Anarchist Black Cross)
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
“This is written for those discontent with the world around them, and the role they are forced to have in it. This is for the world’s exploited and dominated groups or classes. It is for the uncomfortable, the miserable, the disempowered, or the lost. It is also for the uncontrollable, empowered, fed up, and criminalized. It is a reminder for those living in conflict every day with the social order that reigns upon the earth, that they are not alone. We are a revolutionary publication that hopes to report on struggles that will otherwise be mentioned inappropriately or not at all. We report on struggles that stem from a frustration with different forms of domination, and intend to achieve freedom from them, without compromise.
We hope that by reporting on these struggles, more awareness and support for them will be produced. We also hope that by reporting on these struggles others who feel frustrated with the conditions they face will be inspired to do something about them as well. Further generalizing discontent before domination.” [site de l'éditeur, avril 2015]
Dernière publication :
2011? (n°11)
En ligne :
Permalink :
Etat des collections
cira Pa 661 papier prêt exclu 2011: 10 (The Tigers...), 11 (Tick tock tick)
Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme