Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Robert GRAHAM |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (11)

Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; Robert GRAHAM . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2018 . - 128 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Marie Louise Berneri (1918-1949): ‘Prophecying Utopia’ / Matthew S. Adams
‘To Live Outside the Trial’ Anarchist Implications in Foucauldian Readings of Franz Kafka’s In the Penal Colony and The Trial / David Tulley
(Mis) Conceptions of Anarchism / Robert Graham
From Proudhon to Lévi-Strauss And Beyond - A Dialogue Between Anarchism and Indigenous America / Guilherme Lavinas Jardim Falleiros
The Reformist Anarchism Of John Clark / Brian Morris
The Domination Of The Text: Morris’s Reading Of The Impossible Community. Reply to Brian Morris / John Clark
Simon Springer, Marcelo Lopes de Souza and Richard J. White (eds), The Radicalization of Pedagogy: Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt / Reviewed by Emily Charkin
Alexander Reid Ross, Against the Fascist Creep / Reviewed by M Testa
James Gifford, Personal Modernisms: Anarchist Networks and the Later AvantGardes / Reviewed by Elinor Taylor
Alexandre Christoyannopoulos and Matthew S. Adams (eds), Essays in Anarchism and Religion: Vol. I / Reviewed by John A. Rapp
Shahin, Nietzsche and Anarchy: Psychology for Free Spirits, Ontology for Social War / Reviewed by Lewis Call
Bill Ayers, Demand the Impossible! A Radical Manifesto / Reviewed by Sharif Gemie
Dongyoun Hwang, Anarchism in Korea: Independence, Transnationalism, and the Question of National Development 1919-1984 / Reviewed by George Katsiafi cas
Alexander Vasudevan, The Autonomous City: A History of Urban Squatting / Reviewed by Rowan Tallis Milligan
Mark Sundeen, The Unsettlers: In Search of the Good Life in Todays America / Reviewed by Elizabeth Russell
David Mulry, Joseph Conrad Among the Anarchists: Nineteenth Century Terrorism and The Secret Agent / Reviewed by Michelle M. Campbell
Christoph Knüppel (ed.), Gustav Landauer, Briefe und Tagebücher 1884-1900 / Reviewed by Bert Altena
Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=315288
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; Robert GRAHAM Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2018 Importance : 128 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : AMÉRIQUE ; ANARCHISME ; ANTHROPOLOGIE ; FEMMES ; LITTÉRATURE ; PEUPLES AUTOCHTONES ; PHILOSOPHIE Résumé : About this issue’s cover / Kimberly Croswell
Marie Louise Berneri (1918-1949): ‘Prophecying Utopia’ / Matthew S. Adams
‘To Live Outside the Trial’ Anarchist Implications in Foucauldian Readings of Franz Kafka’s In the Penal Colony and The Trial / David Tulley
(Mis) Conceptions of Anarchism / Robert Graham
From Proudhon to Lévi-Strauss And Beyond - A Dialogue Between Anarchism and Indigenous America / Guilherme Lavinas Jardim Falleiros
The Reformist Anarchism Of John Clark / Brian Morris
The Domination Of The Text: Morris’s Reading Of The Impossible Community. Reply to Brian Morris / John Clark
Simon Springer, Marcelo Lopes de Souza and Richard J. White (eds), The Radicalization of Pedagogy: Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt / Reviewed by Emily Charkin
Alexander Reid Ross, Against the Fascist Creep / Reviewed by M Testa
James Gifford, Personal Modernisms: Anarchist Networks and the Later AvantGardes / Reviewed by Elinor Taylor
Alexandre Christoyannopoulos and Matthew S. Adams (eds), Essays in Anarchism and Religion: Vol. I / Reviewed by John A. Rapp
Shahin, Nietzsche and Anarchy: Psychology for Free Spirits, Ontology for Social War / Reviewed by Lewis Call
Bill Ayers, Demand the Impossible! A Radical Manifesto / Reviewed by Sharif Gemie
Dongyoun Hwang, Anarchism in Korea: Independence, Transnationalism, and the Question of National Development 1919-1984 / Reviewed by George Katsiafi cas
Alexander Vasudevan, The Autonomous City: A History of Urban Squatting / Reviewed by Rowan Tallis Milligan
Mark Sundeen, The Unsettlers: In Search of the Good Life in Todays America / Reviewed by Elizabeth Russell
David Mulry, Joseph Conrad Among the Anarchists: Nineteenth Century Terrorism and The Secret Agent / Reviewed by Michelle M. Campbell
Christoph Knüppel (ed.), Gustav Landauer, Briefe und Tagebücher 1884-1900 / Reviewed by Bert Altena
Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=315288 Anarchism : a documentary history of libertarian ideas, Volume One. From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE to 1939) / Robert GRAHAM / Montreal [Canada] : Black Rose Books (2005)
Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Ba 0429 (1) Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt possible Disponible Anarchism : a documentary history of libertarian ideas, Volume Two. The Emergence Of The New Anarchism (1939-1977) / Robert GRAHAM / Montreal [Canada] : Black Rose Books (2009)
Anarchism : a documentary history of libertarian ideas, Volume Two. The Emergence Of The New Anarchism (1939-1977) [texte imprimé] / Robert GRAHAM ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; Emma GOLDMAN (1869-1940) ; FÉDÉRATION ANARCHISTE ROMANDE ; Marie-Louise BERNERI (1918-1949) ; VOLINE (1882-1945) ; FEDERAZIONE ANARCHICA ITALIANA ; FÉDÉRATION ANARCHISTE France ; Paul GOODMAN (1911-1972) ; Alex COMFORT (1920-2000) ; Dwight MACDONALD (1906-1982) ; Ethel MANNIN (1900-1985) ; Martin BUBER (1878-1965) ; Giancarlo DE CARLO (1919-2005) ; André BRETON (1896-1966) ; Julian BECK (1925-1985) ; LIVING THEATRE ; Geoffrey OSTERGAARD (1926-1990) ; Mohamed SAÏL (1894-1953) ; Maurice FAYOLLE (1909-1970) ; André PRUDHOMMEAUX (1902-1968) ; VINOBA BHAVE (1895-1982) ; Jayaprakash NARAYAN ; Vernon RICHARDS (1915-2001) ; Nicolas WALTER (1934-2000) ; Henry David THOREAU (1817-1862) ; Dave DELLINGER (1915-2004) ; A.J. BAKER ; Gary SNYDER ; George BENELLO (1927-1987) ; Louis MERCIER (1914-1977) ; Joel SPRING ; Laín DIEZ (1895-1980) ; Daniel GUÉRIN (1904-1988) ; Daniel COHN-BENDIT ; Gabriel COHN-BENDIT ; Jacob PRINCE (1901-1978) ; Diego ABAD DE SANTILLAN (1897-1983) ; Noam CHOMSKY ; Robert Paul WOLFF ; Philip SANSOM (1916-1999) ; Benjamin PÉRET (1899-1959) ; Maurice JOYEUX (1910-1991) ; Colin WARD (1924-2010) ; Pierre CLASTRES (1934-1977) ; Michael TAYLOR ; Giampietro N. BERTI (1943) ; COMUNIDAD DEL SUR . - Montreal [Canada] : Black Rose Books, 2009 . - 525p. ; 24cm.
ISBN : 978-1-55164-310-6
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ANTHOLOGIE ; DOCTRINE Mention de responsabilité : Robert Graham, editor Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=204511
Titre de série : Anarchism : a documentary history of libertarian ideas, Volume Two Titre : The Emergence Of The New Anarchism (1939-1977) Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Robert GRAHAM ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; Emma GOLDMAN (1869-1940) ; FÉDÉRATION ANARCHISTE ROMANDE ; Marie-Louise BERNERI (1918-1949) ; VOLINE (1882-1945) ; FEDERAZIONE ANARCHICA ITALIANA ; FÉDÉRATION ANARCHISTE France ; Paul GOODMAN (1911-1972) ; Alex COMFORT (1920-2000) ; Dwight MACDONALD (1906-1982) ; Ethel MANNIN (1900-1985) ; Martin BUBER (1878-1965) ; Giancarlo DE CARLO (1919-2005) ; André BRETON (1896-1966) ; Julian BECK (1925-1985) ; LIVING THEATRE ; Geoffrey OSTERGAARD (1926-1990) ; Mohamed SAÏL (1894-1953) ; Maurice FAYOLLE (1909-1970) ; André PRUDHOMMEAUX (1902-1968) ; VINOBA BHAVE (1895-1982) ; Jayaprakash NARAYAN ; Vernon RICHARDS (1915-2001) ; Nicolas WALTER (1934-2000) ; Henry David THOREAU (1817-1862) ; Dave DELLINGER (1915-2004) ; A.J. BAKER ; Gary SNYDER ; George BENELLO (1927-1987) ; Louis MERCIER (1914-1977) ; Joel SPRING ; Laín DIEZ (1895-1980) ; Daniel GUÉRIN (1904-1988) ; Daniel COHN-BENDIT ; Gabriel COHN-BENDIT ; Jacob PRINCE (1901-1978) ; Diego ABAD DE SANTILLAN (1897-1983) ; Noam CHOMSKY ; Robert Paul WOLFF ; Philip SANSOM (1916-1999) ; Benjamin PÉRET (1899-1959) ; Maurice JOYEUX (1910-1991) ; Colin WARD (1924-2010) ; Pierre CLASTRES (1934-1977) ; Michael TAYLOR ; Giampietro N. BERTI (1943) ; COMUNIDAD DEL SUR Editeur : Montreal [Canada] : Black Rose Books Année de publication : 2009 Importance : 525p. Format : 24cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-55164-310-6 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ANTHOLOGIE ; DOCTRINE Mention de responsabilité : Robert Graham, editor Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=204511 Exemplaires (2)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Ba 0429 (2) Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt possible Disponible Ba 0429 (2) Document numérisé Disque dur Copie possible Disponible Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies / Duane ROUSSELLE / Peterborough, ON [Canada] : [s.n.] (2010)
[périodique] Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies [document électronique] / Duane ROUSSELLE ; Ruth KINNA ; Sureyya EVREN ; Allan ANTLIFF ; Saul NEWMAN ; Nathan J. JUN ; Robert GRAHAM ; Lucien VAN DER WALT ; Gabriel KUHN (1972-) ; Voltairine DE CLEYRE (1866-1912) ; Jürgen MUMKEN ; Michel BAKOUNINE (1814-1876) . - Peterborough, ON [Canada] : [s.n.], 2010.
ISSN : 1923-5615
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Résumé : 2013, 1 : Blasting the canon / Ruth Kinna and Süreyyya Evren
The Canon Which is Not One / Leonard A. Williams
Canon and Identity: Thoughts on the Hyphenated Anarchist / James J. Miller
The Possibilities of Anarchist History: Rethinking the Canon and Writing History / Matthew S. Adams
Voltairine de Cleyre and the Anarchist Canon / Michelle M. Campbell
Rethinking the Anarchist Canon: History, Philosophy, and Interpretation / Nathan Jun
Would the Real Max Stirner Please Stand Up? / Elmo Feiten
Bakunin Brand Vodka: An Exploration into Anarchist-punk and Punk-anarchism / Jim Donaghey
Mikhail Bakunin’s Post-Ideological Impulse: The Continuity Between Classical and New Anarchism / Ryan Knight
REVIEW /DEBATE : Black Flame: A Commentary / Robert Graham
(Re)Constructing a Global Anarchist and Syndcalist Canon: A Response to Robert Graham and Nathan Jun on
Black Flame / Lucien van der Walt
Interview with Jürgen Mümken / Gabriel Kuhn
UNSCIENTIFIC SURVEY : 7 Sages of AnarchismEn ligne : http://anarchist-developments.org/ Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=313518 Etat des collections
Emplacement Cote Support Statut Collection Note cira Ea 107 numérique prêt réservé 2013 : 1 [périodique]
Titre : Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Duane ROUSSELLE ; Ruth KINNA ; Sureyya EVREN ; Allan ANTLIFF ; Saul NEWMAN ; Nathan J. JUN ; Robert GRAHAM ; Lucien VAN DER WALT ; Gabriel KUHN (1972-) ; Voltairine DE CLEYRE (1866-1912) ; Jürgen MUMKEN ; Michel BAKOUNINE (1814-1876) Editeur : Peterborough, ON [Canada] : [s.n.] Année de publication : 2010 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 1923-5615 Langues : Anglais (eng) Résumé : 2013, 1 : Blasting the canon / Ruth Kinna and Süreyyya Evren
The Canon Which is Not One / Leonard A. Williams
Canon and Identity: Thoughts on the Hyphenated Anarchist / James J. Miller
The Possibilities of Anarchist History: Rethinking the Canon and Writing History / Matthew S. Adams
Voltairine de Cleyre and the Anarchist Canon / Michelle M. Campbell
Rethinking the Anarchist Canon: History, Philosophy, and Interpretation / Nathan Jun
Would the Real Max Stirner Please Stand Up? / Elmo Feiten
Bakunin Brand Vodka: An Exploration into Anarchist-punk and Punk-anarchism / Jim Donaghey
Mikhail Bakunin’s Post-Ideological Impulse: The Continuity Between Classical and New Anarchism / Ryan Knight
REVIEW /DEBATE : Black Flame: A Commentary / Robert Graham
(Re)Constructing a Global Anarchist and Syndcalist Canon: A Response to Robert Graham and Nathan Jun on
Black Flame / Lucien van der Walt
Interview with Jürgen Mümken / Gabriel Kuhn
UNSCIENTIFIC SURVEY : 7 Sages of AnarchismEn ligne : http://anarchist-developments.org/ Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=313518 Etat des collections
Emplacement Cote Support Statut Collection Note cira Ea 107 numérique prêt réservé 2013 : 1
Anarchist Networks – Old and New [document électronique] / Robert GRAHAM . - 2014 ca . - 16 p. ; PDF texte.
Selon mail de l'auteur (janvier 2022), "It was rejected by the academic editors of a collection of essays on anarchism and organization and so has never been published in a book or periodical".
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ANTIMONDIALISATION ; MOUVEMENT ANARCHISTE ; ORGANISATION Résumé : This article discusses the different forms of organization utilized by anarchists within various anarchist movements from their beginnings in the 1860s until the present day. Despite the claims of some contemporary anarchists that horizontal network forms of organization are a recent development that distinguish contemporary anarchist organizing from the anarchism of the past, anarchists have used informal and formal networks to coordinate their activities and spread their ideas since the beginning.
The Role of Networks in Historic Anarchist Movements
The Role of Networks in the Emergence of Anarchism
Networks – Old and New
From the Bottom Up to Horizontal Networks
Anarchism and Global Justice Movements
Beyond Representation
The Anarchist Current
ReferencesMention de responsabilité : Robert Graham Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=316085
Titre : Anarchist Networks – Old and New Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Robert GRAHAM Année de publication : 2014 ca Importance : 16 p. Format : PDF texte Note générale : Selon mail de l'auteur (janvier 2022), "It was rejected by the academic editors of a collection of essays on anarchism and organization and so has never been published in a book or periodical". Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ANTIMONDIALISATION ; MOUVEMENT ANARCHISTE ; ORGANISATION Résumé : This article discusses the different forms of organization utilized by anarchists within various anarchist movements from their beginnings in the 1860s until the present day. Despite the claims of some contemporary anarchists that horizontal network forms of organization are a recent development that distinguish contemporary anarchist organizing from the anarchism of the past, anarchists have used informal and formal networks to coordinate their activities and spread their ideas since the beginning.
The Role of Networks in Historic Anarchist Movements
The Role of Networks in the Emergence of Anarchism
Networks – Old and New
From the Bottom Up to Horizontal Networks
Anarchism and Global Justice Movements
Beyond Representation
The Anarchist Current
ReferencesMention de responsabilité : Robert Graham Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=316085 Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Ea 176 Document numérisé Disque dur Copie possible Disponible For anarchism : history, theory and practice / David GOODWAY / London and New York : Routledge (1989)
PermalinkGeneral idea of the revolution in the nineteenth century / Pierre-Joseph PROUDHON / London [UK] : Pluto Press (1989)