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Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2016 . - 122 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ANARCHISME ; ÉTAT ; FEMMES ; JAPON:Histoire ; KURDISTAN ; PHILOSOPHIE ; SOLIDARITÉ ; SYNDICALISME:Syndicalisme révolutionnaire Résumé : About this issue's cover
The Rojava Revolution and British Solidarity / Yagmur Savran
Anarchist Women of Imperial Japan: Lives, Subjectivities, Representations / Hélène Bowen Radekker
Is the State Part of the Matrix of Domination and Intersectionnality? An Anarchist Inquiry / Francis Dupuis-Déri
Are these Bubbles Anarchist? Peter Sloterdijk's Spherology and the Question of Anarchisme / Iwona Janicka
Global Anarchism and Syndicalism: Theory, History, Resistance / Lucien van der Walt
Response to Thomas Klikauer's review article 'Management and Anarchism' Anarchist Studies 23.2 (2015) / Konstantin Stoborod and Thomas Swann
Bart van der Steen, Ask Katzeff and Leendert van Hoogenhuijze (eds), The City Is Ours. Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe from the 1970s to the Present / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Louise Michel, À travers la Mort. Mémoires Inédits, 1886-1890, (edited and introduced by Claude Rétat) / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
M. Testa, Militant Anti-Fascism. A Hundred Years of Resistance / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Žiga Vodovnik, A Living Spirit of Revolt: The Infrapolitics of Anarchism / Reviewed by Robert Graham
Alex Ogg, Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, The Early Years / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Brian Morris, Anthropology, Ecology, and Anarchism: a Brian Morris Reader / Reviewed by Thomas Martin
Colin Ward and David Goodway, Talking Anarchy / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Claude Guillon, Comment Peut-on Être Anarchiste? / Reviewed by Vittorio FrigerioPermalink :
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2016 Importance : 122 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ANARCHISME ; ÉTAT ; FEMMES ; JAPON:Histoire ; KURDISTAN ; PHILOSOPHIE ; SOLIDARITÉ ; SYNDICALISME:Syndicalisme révolutionnaire Résumé : About this issue's cover
The Rojava Revolution and British Solidarity / Yagmur Savran
Anarchist Women of Imperial Japan: Lives, Subjectivities, Representations / Hélène Bowen Radekker
Is the State Part of the Matrix of Domination and Intersectionnality? An Anarchist Inquiry / Francis Dupuis-Déri
Are these Bubbles Anarchist? Peter Sloterdijk's Spherology and the Question of Anarchisme / Iwona Janicka
Global Anarchism and Syndicalism: Theory, History, Resistance / Lucien van der Walt
Response to Thomas Klikauer's review article 'Management and Anarchism' Anarchist Studies 23.2 (2015) / Konstantin Stoborod and Thomas Swann
Bart van der Steen, Ask Katzeff and Leendert van Hoogenhuijze (eds), The City Is Ours. Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe from the 1970s to the Present / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Louise Michel, À travers la Mort. Mémoires Inédits, 1886-1890, (edited and introduced by Claude Rétat) / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
M. Testa, Militant Anti-Fascism. A Hundred Years of Resistance / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Žiga Vodovnik, A Living Spirit of Revolt: The Infrapolitics of Anarchism / Reviewed by Robert Graham
Alex Ogg, Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, The Early Years / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Brian Morris, Anthropology, Ecology, and Anarchism: a Brian Morris Reader / Reviewed by Thomas Martin
Colin Ward and David Goodway, Talking Anarchy / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Claude Guillon, Comment Peut-on Être Anarchiste? / Reviewed by Vittorio FrigerioPermalink :
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; JOSE MARIA FERREIRA DE CASTRO . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2018 . - 127 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Ferreira de Castroís Emigrantes: An Anarchist Portuguese Novel Responds to the Myth of the ‘Brasileiro’ / Plínio de Góes Jr
Caught Between Internationalism, Transnationalism and Immigration: A Brief Account of the History of Anarchism in Egypt until 1945 / Laura Galián Hernández and Costantino Paonessa
Against Soft Anarchism: Challenging Liberal Cooptations of Anarchism in International Relations Theory / Shelagh Roxburgh
Anarchism’s Posthuman Future / Erika Cudworth and Stephen Hobden
Antisemitism in the anarchist tradition
Dominique F. Miething
Reply by Janet Biehl, author of Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin, to a review in Anarchist Studies 25, 1 (2017) by Eleanor Finley and Federico Venturini, followed by a response to Biehl from Finley and Venturini 109
Federico Ferretti, Élisée Reclus: Pour une géographie nouvelle / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
Simon Springer, The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation / Reviewed by Anthony Ince
Layla Abdel Rahim, Children’s Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness / Reviewed by Petar Jandri
Victor Serge, Men in Prison, translated and introduced by Richard Greeman / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
Max Baginski, What Does Syndicalism Want? Living, Not Dead Unions, Nathan Jun (ed.), Yvonne Franke and Friederike Wiedemann (trans.) / Reviewed by Oscar Addis
Seth Tobocman, Len, A Lawyer in History: A Graphic Biography of Radical Attorney Leonard Weinglass / Reviewed by Moira Meltzer-Cohen
Podemos: In the Name of the People: Inigo Errejon in Conversation with Chantal Mouffe / Reviewed by Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha
Jim Mac Laughlin, Kropotkin and the Anarchist Intellectual Tradition / Reviewed by Iain McKayPermalink :
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; JOSE MARIA FERREIRA DE CASTRO Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2018 Importance : 127 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ANIMAUX ; BRÉSIL ; ÉCOLOGIE ; ÉGYPTE ; ÉMIGRATION ET IMMIGRATION ; ÉTAT ; POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE ; PORTUGAL Résumé : About this issue’s cover
Ferreira de Castroís Emigrantes: An Anarchist Portuguese Novel Responds to the Myth of the ‘Brasileiro’ / Plínio de Góes Jr
Caught Between Internationalism, Transnationalism and Immigration: A Brief Account of the History of Anarchism in Egypt until 1945 / Laura Galián Hernández and Costantino Paonessa
Against Soft Anarchism: Challenging Liberal Cooptations of Anarchism in International Relations Theory / Shelagh Roxburgh
Anarchism’s Posthuman Future / Erika Cudworth and Stephen Hobden
Antisemitism in the anarchist tradition
Dominique F. Miething
Reply by Janet Biehl, author of Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin, to a review in Anarchist Studies 25, 1 (2017) by Eleanor Finley and Federico Venturini, followed by a response to Biehl from Finley and Venturini 109
Federico Ferretti, Élisée Reclus: Pour une géographie nouvelle / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
Simon Springer, The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation / Reviewed by Anthony Ince
Layla Abdel Rahim, Children’s Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness / Reviewed by Petar Jandri
Victor Serge, Men in Prison, translated and introduced by Richard Greeman / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
Max Baginski, What Does Syndicalism Want? Living, Not Dead Unions, Nathan Jun (ed.), Yvonne Franke and Friederike Wiedemann (trans.) / Reviewed by Oscar Addis
Seth Tobocman, Len, A Lawyer in History: A Graphic Biography of Radical Attorney Leonard Weinglass / Reviewed by Moira Meltzer-Cohen
Podemos: In the Name of the People: Inigo Errejon in Conversation with Chantal Mouffe / Reviewed by Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha
Jim Mac Laughlin, Kropotkin and the Anarchist Intellectual Tradition / Reviewed by Iain McKayPermalink :
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; Matthew WILSON ; Gabriel KUHN (1972-) ; Uri GORDON ; Fredy PERLMAN (1934-1985) . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2023 . - 127 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ÉDUCATION ; ÉTAT ; MARXISME ; ORGANISATION ; VIOLENCE Résumé : About this issue's cover: John Clark's Lao Tzu meets / Reptilian CEO
Editorial: What Happened to the Anarchist Century? / Matthew Wilson
Radical Politics, Left Convergence and the War of Position / Owen Worth
Against Prefiguration: An Anarchist Iconoclasm / Frankie Hines
Gabriel Kuhn in Conversation with Matthew Wilson
Leviathan's Body: Recovering Fredy Perlman's Anarchist Social Theory / Uri Gordon
Doing - Reflecting - Comprehending, or: How We Found Resonance with Anarchist Pedagogy / Alexander Andrason, Vuyisa Gysman and Hans-Christoph Lange
ReviewsPermalink :
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; Matthew WILSON ; Gabriel KUHN (1972-) ; Uri GORDON ; Fredy PERLMAN (1934-1985) Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 127 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ÉDUCATION ; ÉTAT ; MARXISME ; ORGANISATION ; VIOLENCE Résumé : About this issue's cover: John Clark's Lao Tzu meets / Reptilian CEO
Editorial: What Happened to the Anarchist Century? / Matthew Wilson
Radical Politics, Left Convergence and the War of Position / Owen Worth
Against Prefiguration: An Anarchist Iconoclasm / Frankie Hines
Gabriel Kuhn in Conversation with Matthew Wilson
Leviathan's Body: Recovering Fredy Perlman's Anarchist Social Theory / Uri Gordon
Doing - Reflecting - Comprehending, or: How We Found Resonance with Anarchist Pedagogy / Alexander Andrason, Vuyisa Gysman and Hans-Christoph Lange
ReviewsPermalink :
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Sharif GEMIE ; Ursula K. LEGUIN ; John LOCKE ; Janet BIEHL ; Murray BOOKCHIN (1921-2006) ; L. Susan BROWN . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 1998 . - 92 p. : couv. ill. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ÉTAT ; INDIVIDUALISME ; INTERNET ; LIBERTÉ ; LITTÉRATURE:Science-fiction Résumé : Locke and Anarchism: The Issue of Consent / Lewis Call
An Unencumbered Freedom: Ursula Le Guin's The Dispossessed / Finn Bowring
Bookchin, Biehl, Brown: An Unbridgeable Chasm? / Thomas Martin
Godwin and Nursey-Bray / Debate
Colin Ward on Social Policy (Ed Randall)
Taming the State (Michael Levin)
City Planning and the Anarchist Tradition (Mike Small)
The Anarchist Case, Propagated (Colin Ward)
Nineteenth Century American Utopias (Ronald Creagh)
Marginal Influences? (Jon Purkis)
Rhetoric and Rights (Judy Greenway)
Tea and Anarchy (Nicholas Walter)
Anarchy on the World Wide Web (Chris Atton)Permalink :
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Sharif GEMIE ; Ursula K. LEGUIN ; John LOCKE ; Janet BIEHL ; Murray BOOKCHIN (1921-2006) ; L. Susan BROWN Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 1998 Importance : 92 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 22 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ÉTAT ; INDIVIDUALISME ; INTERNET ; LIBERTÉ ; LITTÉRATURE:Science-fiction Résumé : Locke and Anarchism: The Issue of Consent / Lewis Call
An Unencumbered Freedom: Ursula Le Guin's The Dispossessed / Finn Bowring
Bookchin, Biehl, Brown: An Unbridgeable Chasm? / Thomas Martin
Godwin and Nursey-Bray / Debate
Colin Ward on Social Policy (Ed Randall)
Taming the State (Michael Levin)
City Planning and the Anarchist Tradition (Mike Small)
The Anarchist Case, Propagated (Colin Ward)
Nineteenth Century American Utopias (Ronald Creagh)
Marginal Influences? (Jon Purkis)
Rhetoric and Rights (Judy Greenway)
Tea and Anarchy (Nicholas Walter)
Anarchy on the World Wide Web (Chris Atton)Permalink :
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Sharif GEMIE ; ITO NOE (1895-1923) ; Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ; Max STIRNER (1806-1856) ; Gilles DELEUZE (1925-1995) ; Josef WEBER (1901-1959) . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2001 . - pp. 95-186 : couv. ill. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ÉTAT ; FÉMINISME ; JAPON:Histoire ; NATURE ; UTOPIE Résumé : Anarcho-Feminist Discourse in Prewar Japan: Ito Noe's Autobiographical Social Criticism / Helene Bowen Raddeker
The Prehistory of Post-Scarcity Anarchism: Josef Weber and the Movement for a Democracy of Content (1947-1964) / Marcel van der Linden
War on the State: Stirner's and Deleuze's Anarchism / Saul Newman
Kropotkin's Metaphysics of Nature / Brian Morris
Pierre Bourdieu on Radio Libertaire: A Cardinal visits the Anarchists / InterviewPermalink :
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Sharif GEMIE ; ITO NOE (1895-1923) ; Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ; Max STIRNER (1806-1856) ; Gilles DELEUZE (1925-1995) ; Josef WEBER (1901-1959) Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2001 Importance : pp. 95-186 Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 22 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ÉTAT ; FÉMINISME ; JAPON:Histoire ; NATURE ; UTOPIE Résumé : Anarcho-Feminist Discourse in Prewar Japan: Ito Noe's Autobiographical Social Criticism / Helene Bowen Raddeker
The Prehistory of Post-Scarcity Anarchism: Josef Weber and the Movement for a Democracy of Content (1947-1964) / Marcel van der Linden
War on the State: Stirner's and Deleuze's Anarchism / Saul Newman
Kropotkin's Metaphysics of Nature / Brian Morris
Pierre Bourdieu on Radio Libertaire: A Cardinal visits the Anarchists / InterviewPermalink : PermalinkAbolish the wage system ! Abolish the state !
PermalinkAbsolutistische Gedankengänge im Sozialismus / Rudolf ROCKER / Frankfurt a.M. [Deutschland] : Freie Gesellschaft (1974)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkAfter the cataclysm : postwar Indochina and the reconstruction of imperial ideology / Noam CHOMSKY / Montreal [Canada] : Black Rose Books (1979)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkAlas kirkko ja valtio / Häme [Suomi=Finland] : Hämeenanarkistit (2011)
PermalinkPermalinkAlcune riflessioni a partire dall'autonomia scolastica / Saverio CRAPARO / Fano [Italia] : Alternativa libertaria (1998)
PermalinkAll'anarchia si arriverà passando per lo stato socialista ? / Luigi GALLEANI / Barre, Vt [USA] : Cronaca sovversiva (1905)
PermalinkPermalinkAn enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on general virtue and happiness / William GODWIN / New York [USA] : Alfred A. Knopf (1926)
PermalinkAn enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on modern morals and happiness / William GODWIN / Harmondsworth [UK] : Penguin Books (1976)
PermalinkAnalise do estado. O estado como paradigma de poder / Eduardo COLOMBO / São Paulo [Brasil] : Imaginário (2001)
PermalinkAnalyse de l'Etat : réflexion sur l'Etat inconscient, de René Lourau / Eduardo COLOMBO / Paris [France] : E. Colombo (1991)