Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (342)

10. Questions diverses : L'intégration humaine ; Les faux apôtres ; La Société des Nations / Paul GILLE / Robinson [France] : La Révolte et Temps Nouveaux (1921)
Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Rf 003-10 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910) . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2010 . - 127 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : NON-VIOLENCE ; POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE Résumé : 'Bethink yourselves or you will perish': Leo Tolstoy's voice a centenary after his death / Alexandre Christoyannopoulos
Tolstoy, history and non-violence / Terry Hopton
Deepening anarchism: international relations and the anarchist ideal / Alex Prichard
Henry Adams and Andrei Bely: The explosive mind / Caroline Hamilton
Functional representation and its anarchist origins / Jason Royce Lindsey
The anarchist aphorist: Wilde and Gottesman, paradox and subversion / Kristian Williams
Islam.alt / Sharif Gemie
Randall Amster et al, Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy / Reviewed by Jeffrey D. Hilmer
Ralph Darlington, Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism. An International Comparative Analysis / Reviewed by Susan Milner
Diana Denham and the C.A.S.A. Collective (eds), Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca / Reviewed by Brian Martin
Kast, Bernd (ed.) 2009. Die Kritik Stirners und die Kritik an Stirner / Reviewed by Peter Seyferth
Staughton Lynd and Daniel Gross, Labor Law For the Rank and Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law / Reviewed by Dana M. Williams
Clifton Ross (dir), Venezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out (DVD) / Reviewed by Sara C. Motta
Tripp York, Living on Hope while Living in Babylon: The Christian anarchists of the twentieth century / Reviewed by Alexandre ChristoyannopoulosPermalink :
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910) Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2010 Importance : 127 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : NON-VIOLENCE ; POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE Résumé : 'Bethink yourselves or you will perish': Leo Tolstoy's voice a centenary after his death / Alexandre Christoyannopoulos
Tolstoy, history and non-violence / Terry Hopton
Deepening anarchism: international relations and the anarchist ideal / Alex Prichard
Henry Adams and Andrei Bely: The explosive mind / Caroline Hamilton
Functional representation and its anarchist origins / Jason Royce Lindsey
The anarchist aphorist: Wilde and Gottesman, paradox and subversion / Kristian Williams
Islam.alt / Sharif Gemie
Randall Amster et al, Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy / Reviewed by Jeffrey D. Hilmer
Ralph Darlington, Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism. An International Comparative Analysis / Reviewed by Susan Milner
Diana Denham and the C.A.S.A. Collective (eds), Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca / Reviewed by Brian Martin
Kast, Bernd (ed.) 2009. Die Kritik Stirners und die Kritik an Stirner / Reviewed by Peter Seyferth
Staughton Lynd and Daniel Gross, Labor Law For the Rank and Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law / Reviewed by Dana M. Williams
Clifton Ross (dir), Venezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out (DVD) / Reviewed by Sara C. Motta
Tripp York, Living on Hope while Living in Babylon: The Christian anarchists of the twentieth century / Reviewed by Alexandre ChristoyannopoulosPermalink : Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Ra 22-18-2 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
La Société des Nations [texte imprimé] / Jean GRAVE (1864-1939) ; Paul GILLE (1865-1950) . - Robinson [France] : La Révolte et Temps Nouveaux, 1923 . - 16 p. ; 18 cm.
est un bulletin de Publications de La Révolte et Temps Nouveaux / Jean GRAVE / Robinson par Sceaux [France] : [s.n.]
Langues : Français (fre)
Catégories : POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE ; PRESSE:Recueils d'articles ; PROPAGANDE ; SALARIAT Résumé : Propositions fondamentales d'une philosophie de la dignité humaine / P. Gille.
Le Salariat / Jean Grave.Mention de responsabilité : Jean Grave Permalink :
est un bulletin de Publications de La Révolte et Temps Nouveaux / Jean GRAVE / Robinson par Sceaux [France] : [s.n.]
Titre : La Société des Nations Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jean GRAVE (1864-1939) ; Paul GILLE (1865-1950) Editeur : Robinson [France] : La Révolte et Temps Nouveaux Année de publication : 1923 Importance : 16 p. Format : 18 cm Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE ; PRESSE:Recueils d'articles ; PROPAGANDE ; SALARIAT Résumé : Propositions fondamentales d'une philosophie de la dignité humaine / P. Gille.
Le Salariat / Jean Grave.Mention de responsabilité : Jean Grave Permalink : Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Rf 003-23 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; JOSE MARIA FERREIRA DE CASTRO . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2018 . - 127 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Ferreira de Castroís Emigrantes: An Anarchist Portuguese Novel Responds to the Myth of the ‘Brasileiro’ / Plínio de Góes Jr
Caught Between Internationalism, Transnationalism and Immigration: A Brief Account of the History of Anarchism in Egypt until 1945 / Laura Galián Hernández and Costantino Paonessa
Against Soft Anarchism: Challenging Liberal Cooptations of Anarchism in International Relations Theory / Shelagh Roxburgh
Anarchism’s Posthuman Future / Erika Cudworth and Stephen Hobden
Antisemitism in the anarchist tradition
Dominique F. Miething
Reply by Janet Biehl, author of Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin, to a review in Anarchist Studies 25, 1 (2017) by Eleanor Finley and Federico Venturini, followed by a response to Biehl from Finley and Venturini 109
Federico Ferretti, Élisée Reclus: Pour une géographie nouvelle / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
Simon Springer, The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation / Reviewed by Anthony Ince
Layla Abdel Rahim, Children’s Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness / Reviewed by Petar Jandri
Victor Serge, Men in Prison, translated and introduced by Richard Greeman / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
Max Baginski, What Does Syndicalism Want? Living, Not Dead Unions, Nathan Jun (ed.), Yvonne Franke and Friederike Wiedemann (trans.) / Reviewed by Oscar Addis
Seth Tobocman, Len, A Lawyer in History: A Graphic Biography of Radical Attorney Leonard Weinglass / Reviewed by Moira Meltzer-Cohen
Podemos: In the Name of the People: Inigo Errejon in Conversation with Chantal Mouffe / Reviewed by Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha
Jim Mac Laughlin, Kropotkin and the Anarchist Intellectual Tradition / Reviewed by Iain McKayPermalink :
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; JOSE MARIA FERREIRA DE CASTRO Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2018 Importance : 127 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ANIMAUX ; BRÉSIL ; ÉCOLOGIE ; ÉGYPTE ; ÉMIGRATION ET IMMIGRATION ; ÉTAT ; POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE ; PORTUGAL Résumé : About this issue’s cover
Ferreira de Castroís Emigrantes: An Anarchist Portuguese Novel Responds to the Myth of the ‘Brasileiro’ / Plínio de Góes Jr
Caught Between Internationalism, Transnationalism and Immigration: A Brief Account of the History of Anarchism in Egypt until 1945 / Laura Galián Hernández and Costantino Paonessa
Against Soft Anarchism: Challenging Liberal Cooptations of Anarchism in International Relations Theory / Shelagh Roxburgh
Anarchism’s Posthuman Future / Erika Cudworth and Stephen Hobden
Antisemitism in the anarchist tradition
Dominique F. Miething
Reply by Janet Biehl, author of Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin, to a review in Anarchist Studies 25, 1 (2017) by Eleanor Finley and Federico Venturini, followed by a response to Biehl from Finley and Venturini 109
Federico Ferretti, Élisée Reclus: Pour une géographie nouvelle / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
Simon Springer, The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation / Reviewed by Anthony Ince
Layla Abdel Rahim, Children’s Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness / Reviewed by Petar Jandri
Victor Serge, Men in Prison, translated and introduced by Richard Greeman / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
Max Baginski, What Does Syndicalism Want? Living, Not Dead Unions, Nathan Jun (ed.), Yvonne Franke and Friederike Wiedemann (trans.) / Reviewed by Oscar Addis
Seth Tobocman, Len, A Lawyer in History: A Graphic Biography of Radical Attorney Leonard Weinglass / Reviewed by Moira Meltzer-Cohen
Podemos: In the Name of the People: Inigo Errejon in Conversation with Chantal Mouffe / Reviewed by Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha
Jim Mac Laughlin, Kropotkin and the Anarchist Intellectual Tradition / Reviewed by Iain McKayPermalink :
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; David PORTER ; Phillip NYALUNGU ; André BERNARD (1937-) ; Georges FONTENIS (1920-2010) ; Serge MICHEL (1922-1997) . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2019 . - 128 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : AFRIQUE DU SUD ; ALGÉRIE ; ANTHROPOLOGIE ; ESPAGNE:Histoire:1936-1939 ; GÉOGRAPHIE ; INSURRECTION ; POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE Résumé : About this issue's cover: Herbert Read Commemorates Emma Goldman
Contrasting French Anarchist Memoirs of the Algerian National Liberation War / David Porter
Crying in the Wilderness? The British Anarchist Movement During the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 / Morris Brodie
Re-theorising the Social and its Models after Lévi-Strauss's and Pierre Clastres's Study of Stateless Social Assemblages / Carlos Segovia
Experiences of an Activist and ZACF Anarchist-Communist in Soweto, South Africa, 2002-2012 / Phillip Nyalungu
Obstacles to Insurrection: Militarised Border Crossings Hindering the Rojava Liberation Struggle / Spencer Louis Potiker
Review article
Permalink :
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; David PORTER ; Phillip NYALUNGU ; André BERNARD (1937-) ; Georges FONTENIS (1920-2010) ; Serge MICHEL (1922-1997) Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 128 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : AFRIQUE DU SUD ; ALGÉRIE ; ANTHROPOLOGIE ; ESPAGNE:Histoire:1936-1939 ; GÉOGRAPHIE ; INSURRECTION ; POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE Résumé : About this issue's cover: Herbert Read Commemorates Emma Goldman
Contrasting French Anarchist Memoirs of the Algerian National Liberation War / David Porter
Crying in the Wilderness? The British Anarchist Movement During the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 / Morris Brodie
Re-theorising the Social and its Models after Lévi-Strauss's and Pierre Clastres's Study of Stateless Social Assemblages / Carlos Segovia
Experiences of an Activist and ZACF Anarchist-Communist in Soweto, South Africa, 2002-2012 / Phillip Nyalungu
Obstacles to Insurrection: Militarised Border Crossings Hindering the Rojava Liberation Struggle / Spencer Louis Potiker
Review article
Permalink : PermalinkAbout the International Monetary Fund and World Bank / Wellington [New Zealand] : Committee for the establishment of civilisation (2000 ca)
PermalinkActes historiques du colloque "Garry Davis et les 70 ans de la Citoyenneté mondiale" - Paris, novembre 2018 / Michel AUVRAY ; Alessandro BRESOLIN / Lyon [France] : Presse fédéraliste (2019)
PermalinkActualidad del pensamiento libertario : escritos y reportajes en la prensa anarquista / Noam CHOMSKY / Buenos Aires [Argentina] : Desalambrando (1996)
PermalinkPermalinkAfghanistan : la quinta guerra mondiale / Donato ROMITO / Fano [Italia] : Alternativa libertaria (2001)
PermalinkAfter the cataclysm : postwar Indochina and the reconstruction of imperial ideology / Noam CHOMSKY / Montreal [Canada] : Black Rose Books (1979)
PermalinkAgainst terrorism in the workers' struggle / Glasgow [UK] : Socialist Anti-Terror Committee (1938)
PermalinkAlternative sofort! Ein libertäres Programm am Beispiel Portugals / IDEIA / Wien [Oesterreich] : Monte Verità (1984 ca)
PermalinkPermalinkL'An [cinq cent un] 501 : la conquête continue / Noam CHOMSKY / Montréal [Canada] : Écosociété (1995)
PermalinkAnakoinosis pros tous katoikous ton athinon / Peiraias [Greece] : Syntrofoi gia tin koinoniki Antiexousia (2001)
PermalinkPermalinkAnarchism, the Zapatistas and the global solidarity movement / Roy KRØVEL / Bristol [UK] : [s.n.] (2010)
PermalinkAnarchismus Hoch 2 : Soziale Bewegung, Utopie, Realität, Zukunft / Bernd DRÜCKE / Berlin [Deutschland] : Karin Kramer (2014)
PermalinkPermalinkL'anarchiste et le juif, histoire d'une rencontre / Paul AVRICH ; Jean- Marc IZRINE ; Pierre SOMMERMEYER ; Audrey GOODFRIEND ; Arturo SCHWARZ ; Hanon REZNIKOV ; Judith MALINA ; Sylvain BOULOUQUE / Paris [France] : A Contretemps (2009)
PermalinkAnarchistes et guerre: Perspectives anti-autoritaires en Ukraine / Lausanne [Suisse] : [s.n.] (2022)