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/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2004)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Sharif GEMIE ;
Roberto ARLT ;
Max STIRNER (1806-1856) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2004 . - pp. 101-192 : couv. ill. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Violence, Non-violence, and the Concept of Revolution in Anarchist Thought / Andy Chan
Literature and Politics in early twentieth-century Argentina: The Anarchist Modernism of Roberto Arlt / Glen S. Close
Carnival against capital: a comparison of Bakhtin, Vaneigem and Bey / Gavin Grindon
`A Mighty, Reckless, Shameless, Conscienceless, Proud – Crime’: Re-evaluating The Criminal in Max Stirner’s The Ego and Its Own / James Ward
The other Godwin: Alain Thévenet William Godwin: Des Lumières à l'Anarchisme / Reviewed by John Clark
Charlotte Wilson Anarchist Essays Edited by Nicolas Walter / Reviewed by Judy Greenway
Abel Paz La Cuestión de Marruecos y la República Española (The Spanish Republic and the Issue of Morocco) / Reviewed by Roz Tarry
Seán M. Sheehan Anarchism / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
Phil Scraton (ed.) Beyond September 11: An Anthology of Dissent / Reviewed by Kafkazli Seyyed Javad
Ann Hansen Direct Action: Memoirs of an urban guerrilla / Reviewed by Alexandra Plows
Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair (eds) The Politics of Anti-Semitism / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Sharif GEMIE ; Roberto ARLT ; Max STIRNER (1806-1856)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
pp. 101-192
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
22 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Violence, Non-violence, and the Concept of Revolution in Anarchist Thought / Andy Chan
Literature and Politics in early twentieth-century Argentina: The Anarchist Modernism of Roberto Arlt / Glen S. Close
Carnival against capital: a comparison of Bakhtin, Vaneigem and Bey / Gavin Grindon
`A Mighty, Reckless, Shameless, Conscienceless, Proud – Crime’: Re-evaluating The Criminal in Max Stirner’s The Ego and Its Own / James Ward
The other Godwin: Alain Thévenet William Godwin: Des Lumières à l'Anarchisme / Reviewed by John Clark
Charlotte Wilson Anarchist Essays Edited by Nicolas Walter / Reviewed by Judy Greenway
Abel Paz La Cuestión de Marruecos y la República Española (The Spanish Republic and the Issue of Morocco) / Reviewed by Roz Tarry
Seán M. Sheehan Anarchism / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
Phil Scraton (ed.) Beyond September 11: An Anthology of Dissent / Reviewed by Kafkazli Seyyed Javad
Ann Hansen Direct Action: Memoirs of an urban guerrilla / Reviewed by Alexandra Plows
Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair (eds) The Politics of Anti-Semitism / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
Permalink :
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2008)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Herbert READ (1893-1968) ;
Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2008 . - 96 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Open Form and the Abstract Imperative: Herbert Read and Contemporary Anarchist Art / Allan Antliff
Leo Tolstoy on the State: A Detailed Picture of Tolstoy's Denunciation of State Violence and Deception / Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos
Beyond Primitivism: Towards a twenty-first century Anarchist Theory and Praxis for Science and Technology / Charles Thorpe and Ian Welsh
Communalism or caricature: patterns of Bookchin critique / Andy Price
Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory / Reviewed by Alex Prichard
Colectivo Solidario, El anarcosindicalismo español. Una historia en imagenes / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
Michel Pigenet and Pierre Robin (eds.), Victor, Emile, Georges, Fernand et les autres …Regards sur le syndicalisme révolutionnaire / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
The Kate Sharpley Library / Reviewed by David Goodway
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
96 p.
Présentation :
Format :
22 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
Open Form and the Abstract Imperative: Herbert Read and Contemporary Anarchist Art / Allan Antliff
Leo Tolstoy on the State: A Detailed Picture of Tolstoy's Denunciation of State Violence and Deception / Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos
Beyond Primitivism: Towards a twenty-first century Anarchist Theory and Praxis for Science and Technology / Charles Thorpe and Ian Welsh
Communalism or caricature: patterns of Bookchin critique / Andy Price
Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory / Reviewed by Alex Prichard
Colectivo Solidario, El anarcosindicalismo español. Una historia en imagenes / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
Michel Pigenet and Pierre Robin (eds.), Victor, Emile, Georges, Fernand et les autres …Regards sur le syndicalisme révolutionnaire / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
The Kate Sharpley Library / Reviewed by David Goodway
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
Ra 22-16-1 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart (2010)
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] /
Ruth KINNA ;
Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910) . -
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart , 2010 . - 127 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (
eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
'Bethink yourselves or you will perish': Leo Tolstoy's voice a centenary after his death / Alexandre Christoyannopoulos
Tolstoy, history and non-violence / Terry Hopton
Deepening anarchism: international relations and the anarchist ideal / Alex Prichard
Henry Adams and Andrei Bely: The explosive mind / Caroline Hamilton
Functional representation and its anarchist origins / Jason Royce Lindsey
The anarchist aphorist: Wilde and Gottesman, paradox and subversion / Kristian Williams
Islam.alt / Sharif Gemie
Randall Amster et al, Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy / Reviewed by Jeffrey D. Hilmer
Ralph Darlington, Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism. An International Comparative Analysis / Reviewed by Susan Milner
Diana Denham and the C.A.S.A. Collective (eds), Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca / Reviewed by Brian Martin
Kast, Bernd (ed.) 2009. Die Kritik Stirners und die Kritik an Stirner / Reviewed by Peter Seyferth
Staughton Lynd and Daniel Gross, Labor Law For the Rank and Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law / Reviewed by Dana M. Williams
Clifton Ross (dir), Venezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out (DVD) / Reviewed by Sara C. Motta
Tripp York, Living on Hope while Living in Babylon: The Christian anarchists of the twentieth century / Reviewed by Alexandre Christoyannopoulos
Permalink :
Titre :
Anarchist Studies
Type de document :
texte imprimé
Auteurs :
Ruth KINNA ; Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910)
Editeur :
London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart
Année de publication :
Importance :
127 p.
Présentation :
couv. ill.
Format :
24 cm
Langues :
Anglais (eng )
Catégories :
Résumé :
'Bethink yourselves or you will perish': Leo Tolstoy's voice a centenary after his death / Alexandre Christoyannopoulos
Tolstoy, history and non-violence / Terry Hopton
Deepening anarchism: international relations and the anarchist ideal / Alex Prichard
Henry Adams and Andrei Bely: The explosive mind / Caroline Hamilton
Functional representation and its anarchist origins / Jason Royce Lindsey
The anarchist aphorist: Wilde and Gottesman, paradox and subversion / Kristian Williams
Islam.alt / Sharif Gemie
Randall Amster et al, Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy / Reviewed by Jeffrey D. Hilmer
Ralph Darlington, Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism. An International Comparative Analysis / Reviewed by Susan Milner
Diana Denham and the C.A.S.A. Collective (eds), Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca / Reviewed by Brian Martin
Kast, Bernd (ed.) 2009. Die Kritik Stirners und die Kritik an Stirner / Reviewed by Peter Seyferth
Staughton Lynd and Daniel Gross, Labor Law For the Rank and Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law / Reviewed by Dana M. Williams
Clifton Ross (dir), Venezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out (DVD) / Reviewed by Sara C. Motta
Tripp York, Living on Hope while Living in Babylon: The Christian anarchists of the twentieth century / Reviewed by Alexandre Christoyannopoulos
Permalink :
Exemplaires (1)
Ra 22-18-2 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ Witney, Oxon [UK] : Witney Anarchists (1966)
Exemplaires (1)
Broch a 01687 BIG Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
/ Lyon [France] : Presse fédéraliste ([2017])
Exemplaires (1)
Af 2081 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt possible Disponible
/ Le Havre [France] : Le Libertaire (1987 ca)
/ Le Calicot (2018)
/ 1959
/ Ventabren [France] : Alternatives non violentes (2001)
/ Lyon [France] : Atelier de création libertaire (ACL) (2020)
/ Bruxelles [Belgique] : MIR-IRG (1982)
/ Paris [France] : Monde Libertaire (2000)
/ Stuttgart [Deutschland] : Schmetterling (2009)
/ Oldenburg [Deutschland] : Universität Oldenburg (1985)
/ Münster [Deutschland] : Unrast (2017)
/ Lich/Hessen [Deutschland] : Edition AV (2013)
/ Karlsruhe [Deutschland] : Gruppe Freie Sozialisten (1974)
/ Köln [Deutschland] : Graswurzelwerkstatt (1997)
/ Oldenburg [Deutschland] : Graswurzelrevolution (1997)
/ Münster [Deutschland] : Unrast (2010)
/ Glastonbury [UK] : Walton Press (1990)
/ Lyon [France] : Atelier de création libertaire (ACL) (2019)
/ Frankfurt a.M. [Deutschland] : Haag und Herchen (1977)
/ Köln [Deutschland] : Graswurzelwerkstatt (1980 ca)
/ Zürich [Suisse] : [s.n.] (2002)
Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme