Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Herbert READ (1893-1968) |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (94)

Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910) . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2008 . - 96 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ART ; NON-VIOLENCE ; TECHNOLOGIE Résumé : Open Form and the Abstract Imperative: Herbert Read and Contemporary Anarchist Art / Allan Antliff
Leo Tolstoy on the State: A Detailed Picture of Tolstoy's Denunciation of State Violence and Deception / Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos
Beyond Primitivism: Towards a twenty-first century Anarchist Theory and Praxis for Science and Technology / Charles Thorpe and Ian Welsh
Communalism or caricature: patterns of Bookchin critique / Andy Price
Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory / Reviewed by Alex Prichard
Colectivo Solidario, El anarcosindicalismo español. Una historia en imagenes / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
Michel Pigenet and Pierre Robin (eds.), Victor, Emile, Georges, Fernand et les autres …Regards sur le syndicalisme révolutionnaire / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
The Kate Sharpley Library / Reviewed by David GoodwayPermalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=308390
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910) Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2008 Importance : 96 p. Présentation : ill. Format : 22 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ART ; NON-VIOLENCE ; TECHNOLOGIE Résumé : Open Form and the Abstract Imperative: Herbert Read and Contemporary Anarchist Art / Allan Antliff
Leo Tolstoy on the State: A Detailed Picture of Tolstoy's Denunciation of State Violence and Deception / Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos
Beyond Primitivism: Towards a twenty-first century Anarchist Theory and Praxis for Science and Technology / Charles Thorpe and Ian Welsh
Communalism or caricature: patterns of Bookchin critique / Andy Price
Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory / Reviewed by Alex Prichard
Colectivo Solidario, El anarcosindicalismo español. Una historia en imagenes / Reviewed by Chris Ealham
Michel Pigenet and Pierre Robin (eds.), Victor, Emile, Georges, Fernand et les autres …Regards sur le syndicalisme révolutionnaire / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
The Kate Sharpley Library / Reviewed by David GoodwayPermalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=308390 Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Ra 22-16-1 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; David GOODWAY . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2011 . - 126 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : CULTURE ; FÉMINISME ; RÉVOLUTION Résumé : - Anarcha-feminist process and publishing in Ireland: The RAG Collective / Debi Withers with the RAG collective
- The DIY post-punk post-situationist politics of CrimethInc. / Sandra Jeppesen
- Kropotkin: evolution, revolutionary change and the end of history / Matthew S. Adams
- Herbert Read, organicism, abstraction and an anarchist aesthetic / David Goodway
- David Goodway critiques Herbert Read / Allan Antliff
- Judith Suissa, Anarchism and Education: A Philosophical Perspective / Reviewed by Abraham DeLeon
- Chris Ealham, Anarchism and the City: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Barcelona, 1898-1937 / reviewed by Sharif Gemie
- Iain McKay, An Anarchist FAQ, Volume 1 / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
- Saul Newman, The Politics of Postanarchism / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
- Harold Barclay, Fresh Alternatives / Reviewed by Robert Graham
- Pat Devine, Democracy and Economic Planning: The Political Economy of a Self-Governing Society / Reviewed by Iain MacKay
- Maurizio Atzeni, Workplace Conflict: Mobilization and Solidarity in Argentina / Reviewed by Chuck Morse
- The Invisible Committee, The Coming Insurrection / Reviewed by Iain McKayPermalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=308384
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; David GOODWAY Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2011 Importance : 126 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : CULTURE ; FÉMINISME ; RÉVOLUTION Résumé : - Anarcha-feminist process and publishing in Ireland: The RAG Collective / Debi Withers with the RAG collective
- The DIY post-punk post-situationist politics of CrimethInc. / Sandra Jeppesen
- Kropotkin: evolution, revolutionary change and the end of history / Matthew S. Adams
- Herbert Read, organicism, abstraction and an anarchist aesthetic / David Goodway
- David Goodway critiques Herbert Read / Allan Antliff
- Judith Suissa, Anarchism and Education: A Philosophical Perspective / Reviewed by Abraham DeLeon
- Chris Ealham, Anarchism and the City: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Barcelona, 1898-1937 / reviewed by Sharif Gemie
- Iain McKay, An Anarchist FAQ, Volume 1 / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
- Saul Newman, The Politics of Postanarchism / Reviewed by Benjamin Franks
- Harold Barclay, Fresh Alternatives / Reviewed by Robert Graham
- Pat Devine, Democracy and Economic Planning: The Political Economy of a Self-Governing Society / Reviewed by Iain MacKay
- Maurizio Atzeni, Workplace Conflict: Mobilization and Solidarity in Argentina / Reviewed by Chuck Morse
- The Invisible Committee, The Coming Insurrection / Reviewed by Iain McKayPermalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=308384 Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Ra 22-19-1 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt réservé Exclu du prêt
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2015 . - 124 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ARCHITECTURE ; ART ; CAPITALISME ; CULTURE ; DÉMOCRATIE ; SOCIALISME Résumé : About this issue’s cover
To Hell with (the contemporary commodification of) Culture! / Danielle Child
To Hell With Culture: Fascism, Rhetoric, and the War for Democracy / Matthew S. Adams
To Hell with Herbert Read / Freee art collective
To Hell with Architecture: An Architecture of Anarchism / Michael Coates
Beyond the Institution: Community-Centred Art Activism Against the Commodification of Culture / Paula Serafini
The Snake and the Falcon / Leah Modigliani
Management and Anarchism: Konstantin Stoborod and Thomas Swann (eds), ‘Management, business, anarchism’ special issue of ephemera – theory & politics in organization / Thomas Klikauer
Alexandre Kojève, The Notion of Authority (A Brief Presentation) / Reviewed by Paul McLaughlin
Immanuel Ness (ed.), New Forms of Worker Organization: The Syndicalist and Autonomist Restoration of Class-Struggle Unionism / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Norman Nawrocki, Cazzarola!: Anarchy, Romani, Love, Italy (A Novel) / Reviewed by Peter Seyferth
Han Ryner, Les Paraboles Cyniques / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
Christos Memos, Castoriadis and Critical Theory: Crisis, Critique, and Radical Alternatives / Reviewed by John Asimakopoulos
Martin Veith, Unbeugsam: Ein Pionier des rumänischen Anarchismus: Panait Muşoiu / Reviewed by Bert Altena
Elliot Murphy, Unmaking Merlin, Anarchist Tendencies in English Literature / Reviewed by Jon Bigger
Magda Egoumenides, Philosophical Anarchism and Political Obligation / Reviewed by Sotirios Frantzanas
Stephen E. Hunt, The Revolutionary Urbanism of Street Farm: Eco-Anarchism, Architecture and Alternative Technology in the 1970s / Reviewed by Thomas Martin
Guillaume Davranche, Trop jeunes pour mourir. Ouvriers et révolutionnaires face à la guerre (1909-1914) / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
Massimo Ortalli, Ritratti in piedi. Dialoghi fra storia e letteratura / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
Squatting Europe Kollective (eds), Squatting in Europe. Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Huw Wahl, To Hell with Culture. A Film about Herbert Read (2014), 56 minutes / Reviewed by Diane Morgan.Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=313435
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2015 Importance : 124 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ARCHITECTURE ; ART ; CAPITALISME ; CULTURE ; DÉMOCRATIE ; SOCIALISME Résumé : About this issue’s cover
To Hell with (the contemporary commodification of) Culture! / Danielle Child
To Hell With Culture: Fascism, Rhetoric, and the War for Democracy / Matthew S. Adams
To Hell with Herbert Read / Freee art collective
To Hell with Architecture: An Architecture of Anarchism / Michael Coates
Beyond the Institution: Community-Centred Art Activism Against the Commodification of Culture / Paula Serafini
The Snake and the Falcon / Leah Modigliani
Management and Anarchism: Konstantin Stoborod and Thomas Swann (eds), ‘Management, business, anarchism’ special issue of ephemera – theory & politics in organization / Thomas Klikauer
Alexandre Kojève, The Notion of Authority (A Brief Presentation) / Reviewed by Paul McLaughlin
Immanuel Ness (ed.), New Forms of Worker Organization: The Syndicalist and Autonomist Restoration of Class-Struggle Unionism / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Norman Nawrocki, Cazzarola!: Anarchy, Romani, Love, Italy (A Novel) / Reviewed by Peter Seyferth
Han Ryner, Les Paraboles Cyniques / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
Christos Memos, Castoriadis and Critical Theory: Crisis, Critique, and Radical Alternatives / Reviewed by John Asimakopoulos
Martin Veith, Unbeugsam: Ein Pionier des rumänischen Anarchismus: Panait Muşoiu / Reviewed by Bert Altena
Elliot Murphy, Unmaking Merlin, Anarchist Tendencies in English Literature / Reviewed by Jon Bigger
Magda Egoumenides, Philosophical Anarchism and Political Obligation / Reviewed by Sotirios Frantzanas
Stephen E. Hunt, The Revolutionary Urbanism of Street Farm: Eco-Anarchism, Architecture and Alternative Technology in the 1970s / Reviewed by Thomas Martin
Guillaume Davranche, Trop jeunes pour mourir. Ouvriers et révolutionnaires face à la guerre (1909-1914) / Reviewed by Constance Bantman
Massimo Ortalli, Ritratti in piedi. Dialoghi fra storia e letteratura / Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio
Squatting Europe Kollective (eds), Squatting in Europe. Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles / Reviewed by Jim Donaghey
Huw Wahl, To Hell with Culture. A Film about Herbert Read (2014), 56 minutes / Reviewed by Diane Morgan.Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=313435
Anarchist Studies [texte imprimé] / Ruth KINNA ; Varlam TCHERKESOV (1846-1925) ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; A. W. ZURBRUGG ; Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ; Michel BAKOUNINE (1814-1876) . - London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart, 2021 . - 127 p. : couv. ill. ; 24 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : ÉCONOMIE ; ÉDUCATION ; POLITIQUE ; TECHNOLOGIE Résumé : About this issue's cover: 'Art is the Map of the Human Soul'
Tributes to mark the centenary of Peter Kropotkin's death by his Comrade Varlam Cherkezishvili (Warlaam Tcherkesoff) and admirer, Herbert Read:
Peter Kropotkin: An Appreciation / Warlaam Tcherkersoff
The Death of Kropotkin / Herbert Read
Bakunin, the Franco-Prussian War and After; Civilisation, Internationalism and Change / A.W. Zurbrugg
Character Flaws - An Anarchist Critique of Character Education in England's Secondary Schools / Dan McKee
The Cryptoanarchist Character of Bitcoin's Digital Governance
ReviewsPermalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=317430
Titre : Anarchist Studies Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruth KINNA ; Varlam TCHERKESOV (1846-1925) ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) ; A. W. ZURBRUGG ; Pierre KROPOTKINE (1842-1921) ; Michel BAKOUNINE (1814-1876) Editeur : London [UK] : Lawrence and Wishart Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 127 p. Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 24 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ÉCONOMIE ; ÉDUCATION ; POLITIQUE ; TECHNOLOGIE Résumé : About this issue's cover: 'Art is the Map of the Human Soul'
Tributes to mark the centenary of Peter Kropotkin's death by his Comrade Varlam Cherkezishvili (Warlaam Tcherkesoff) and admirer, Herbert Read:
Peter Kropotkin: An Appreciation / Warlaam Tcherkersoff
The Death of Kropotkin / Herbert Read
Bakunin, the Franco-Prussian War and After; Civilisation, Internationalism and Change / A.W. Zurbrugg
Character Flaws - An Anarchist Critique of Character Education in England's Secondary Schools / Dan McKee
The Cryptoanarchist Character of Bitcoin's Digital Governance
ReviewsPermalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=317430
[admiración interrogación] [texte imprimé] / José Antonio SARMIENTO ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) . - Paris [France] : El Papel Higiénico, 1975 . - [n.p.] : ill. ; 15 cm. - (Colección 1) .
Langues : Espagnol (spa)
Catégories : ART:Dessin Mention de responsabilité : José Antonio Sarmiento Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=4062
Titre : [admiración interrogación] Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : José Antonio SARMIENTO ; Herbert READ (1893-1968) Editeur : Paris [France] : El Papel Higiénico Année de publication : 1975 Collection : Colección 1 Importance : [n.p.] Présentation : ill. Format : 15 cm Langues : Espagnol (spa) Catégories : ART:Dessin Mention de responsabilité : José Antonio Sarmiento Permalink : https://www.cira.ch/catalogue/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=4062 Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Section Statut Disponibilité Ae 0142 Imprimé Bibliothèque Prêt possible Disponible PermalinkPermalinkAnarchism : a documentary history of libertarian ideas, Volume One. From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE to 1939) / Robert GRAHAM / Montreal [Canada] : Black Rose Books (2005)
PermalinkAnarchism : a documentary history of libertarian ideas, Volume Two. The Emergence Of The New Anarchism (1939-1977) / Robert GRAHAM / Montreal [Canada] : Black Rose Books (2009)
PermalinkAnarchismus, Theorie, Kritik, Utopie / Achim von BORRIES / Nettersheim [Deutschland] : Graswurzelrevolution (2007)
PermalinkAnarchismus, Theorie, Kritik, Utopie / Achim von BORRIES / Frankfurt a.M. [Deutschland] : Joseph Melzer (1970)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkAntología anarquista / Gino CERRITO ; Nicolas WALTER ; Gaston LEVAL ; Salvador HERNANDEZ PADILLA ; Benjamin CANO RUIZ ; Noam CHOMSKY ; Herbert READ ; Stuart CHRISTIE ; Albert MELTZER / México [México] : El Caballito (1980)
PermalinkPermalinkArte y alienación, el papel del artista en la sociedad / Herbert READ / Buenos Aires [Argentina] : Proyección (1969)
PermalinkPermalinkBildung ohne Herrschaft ; Texte zur Geschichte der anarchistischen Pädagogik / Ulrich KLEMM / Frankfurt a.M. [Deutschland] : dipa (1990)
PermalinkBiographien : Bakunin, Goldman, Kropotkin, Landauer, Proudhon (et al.) / FREIE GESELLSCHAFT / Frankfurt a.M. [Deutschland] : Freie Gesellschaft (1974)